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Techno doesn't look the least bit scared. "Who?"

George pushes the barrel of his gun against Techno's forehead, causing wisps of pink hair to fall. George knows several enemy guns are pointed straight at him, but he doesn't care.

"Tina," George says stiffly, the name leaving his lips for the first time in over a year. "Where is she?"

Techno's brows furrow for a moment before recognition crosses his features. "Oh, her? I don't know."

George doesn't buy it. He says coldly, "You're lying."

"I don't know," Techno repeats, unfazed. "She ran away less than a month after we got her."

George blinks, and uncertainty bleeds into him for the first time. Unwilling to believe it, George says, "I don't believe you."

"Listen, man," Techno says, bored, "she's not here, whether you believe me or not."

George adjusts his grip on his gun, fingers quivering for the first time. Techno notes his hesitancy and says, "If it's any comfort, she seemed pretty tough. She probably found someplace safe."

George looks away, frustrated because he knows Techno is telling the truth. Still, anger courses through him. He looks at Techno, and his glare must be intimidating because Techno's eyes widen a fraction. Switching his gun to his right hand, George punches Techno, seething, "You took her."

He punches again, and Tina's face appears when he blinks. The burn of tears only angers George. He doesn't know how many times he punches Technoblade, but it isn't enough.

Steady arms pull George back, pulling him from Techno. At first, George fights, but the person who pulls him back is stronger and more determined.

George blinks, vision clearing as he takes in Techno's bloodied face. He falls lax against the person holding him, voice cracking when he whispers, "Where is she?"

"I don't know," a gentle voice murmurs into his ear.

All George can focus on is Techno. Techno, as he's helped up by his friends. Techno, as he wipes away the blood from his mouth. Techno, as he gives George a frown before turning away.

George doesn't notice the stares centered on him. He doesn't notice as he falls to the ground, supported by unwavering arms. "Hey, it's okay," the soothing words assuage George's mind, calming his nerves. "We'll find her, wherever she is."

George knows who holds him with such reverence. He knew from the first touch. He doesn't need to look at Dream to hear the care in his voice, or the assurity in his touch.

Dream takes the gun from George's loose hand, handing it off to the nearest one of Techno's men. George wishes he could hear Dream's thoughts, but his wish doesn't last long because he starts to wonder what happened to Tina.

She's dead, isn't she?

He must say the words aloud because Dream whispers, "No, we'll find her, okay? I promise."

Something in George's heart cracks as he looks at Dream. Confusion must be written on his expression because Dream smiles softly, murmuring, "I promise, George. We'll find her."

George can see the pain on Dream's face, the conflicting emotions. Dream doesn't know who Tina is. George blinks back tears, asking quietly, "Why...? Why would you promise that?"

Dream's eyes soften and he says softly, "You have your secrets, let me have mine."

"You promise? We'll find her?"

"Cross my heart, hope to die," Dream whispers, cracking a small smile.

George smiles back weakly, looking away to find that the room is now empty. He relaxes even further, head falling against Dream's chest. Letting Dream's heartbeat settle his thoughts, George exhales.

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