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Music flows through the speakers of the van, Sam having put in a CD hours ago. Again, it's quiet between the members of the van.

Dream inhales, and George's eyes slide his way. Now under George's attention, Dream leans forward, elbows on his knees as he says, "George, I want to tell you something."

George glances at Punz, who is still sleeping. "You don't need to. I already know."

Dream blinks in surprise, searching George's expression. Hesitantly, Dream says, "I don't think you do."

"I heard you and Karl talking," George replies carefully. Dream's eyes widen, and he leans back. "At the rest stop," George continues, glancing at Punz again. "Listen, I understand how you feel, and I want you to know that I won't get in your way."

Dream's brows furrow in confusion. "I― what? George, no, I don't think you understand."

"I'm not stupid, Dream," George says, a bite to his words. "I understand perfectly."

"No, I don't think―" Dream starts, his voice cut off as Sam clears his throat.

"Dream, can you pass me a water bottle?" Sam asks, words desperate to change the direction of the conversation.

Dream obliges, not looking away from George. Still, he continues, voice way, "George, let me fully explain this to you."

By now, George thinks Dream thinks that he is too stupid to understand. Annoyance rises in his chest, accompanied with a twinge of spite. "Dream, I know what you're talking about."

"You do?" Dream replies skeptically.

"Yes," George replies, tone sour, "I won't get in your guys' way."

"George," Dream sighs, rubbing his temples.

"Oh my god, shut up," George snaps, beyond annoyed. "Stop treating me like I don't understand. You like Punz, Punz likes you, I get it."

Incredulity overtakes Dream's expression. "What are you talking about?"

"Guys," Sam interrupts nervously, trying to change the conversation, "I like this song, do you mind pausing for a moment? Maybe take some deep breaths?"

Sam turns up the music slightly, eyes frantic as he tries to fix whatever is happening. But Dream is persistent.

"What are you talking about?" Dream repeats, leaning forward once more.

"You like Punz," George states, brows furrowing. How is Dream this slow?

"Of course I like Punz, we're friends."

"And he likes you," George says, watching as Dream nods for him to continue.

Dream freezes, eyes widening before he lets out a laugh. "Wait― wait, George, I don't like him like that."

Defensively, George crosses his arms. He catches Punz waking up from the growth in noise. San turns up the music once more, and suddenly George feels overwhelmed.

"Then what the fuck are you trying to tell me?" George asks loudly, almost shouting.

"I like you, George," Dream shouts back, his words barely heard, but George can read his lips. "You, not Punz, you."

Confused and overwhelmed, George freezes, eyes widening. Sam looks through the rearview mirror nervously. Punz looks between them hastily, ready to do damage control.

"No, you don't," George says, his words falling from his lips in a whisper. "No, you don't."

"Turn the fucking music off, Sam!" Dream shouts, looking between George and Sam.

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