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"Drop your gun!"

George's eyes widen at the multiple guns pointed straight at him. He slowly sets his gun down, standing back up with raised hands. Behind him, George can hear Tommy and Tubbo whispering reassuring sentences to each other.

The man in front of the door lowers his guns slightly, his face softening at the sight of the kids behind George. His blond hair shifts in the wind, and he demands, "Get out."

George listens wordlessly, helping Tommy and Tubbo out. A man, different then the first and younger, points his gun at George's chest, urging him to walk.

George's hands are pulled behind him, and someone roughly clasps handcuffs over his wrists. He's shoved to stand next to Skeppy and Bad, who are also handcuffed.

"Be careful with them!" Bad shouts, expression furious as he glares at the man who handcuffs Tommy and Tubbo.

The first man, the older one, snaps at the younger one, "Take it easy, mate. They're kids."

He receives a huff. The walkie-talkie strapped to his chest crackles to life. "Phil, how's it going down there?"

"All good, Niki," The man, Phil, responds, giving a thumbs up to a helicopter.

"Let go of me!" a familiar voice snaps.

George looks at Punz, who struggles against the two men who shove him against a van. George is forced to watch, grimacing as a third man punches Punz, who defies them bravely. (Or stupidly: the two are easily exchanged.)

More men, all dressed in black, making them easy to identify, force Sam and Dream out of their van. They're handcuffed immediately, and George's heart stops when his eyes lock with Dream.

"George," he says, as if in a daze. Blinking back to reality, Dream shakes the man off him, shouting, "George!"

He runs, arms still cuffed behind him. A whistle rings out and a dart is shot into Dream's neck. Dream falls to the ground instantly.

George shouts, snapping out of a trance, "What the fuck!?"

A man holds him back, muttering, "It's just a sedative. Settle down."

George watches as more men and women in black pour out of vans, outnumbering George's group greatly. Dream is lifted by his shoulders and dragged away. Sam tries to calm Punz down, but it doesn't work and Punz has to be sedated too.

Sapnap listens to the people talking to him, his expression grim. Karl stands beside him, watching in terror as all his friends are sedated and pulled into vans. George is one of the last to be sedated, and he didn't even expect it.

A needle is injected into his neck from behind him, and he falls into a pair of arms, unconscious.


When he wakes up, George has no knowledge of how long he's been unconscious, nor does he know where he is.

His first reaction isn't panic, though. No, it isn't fear or worry or anger. The feeling that washes over George is one of relief.

He's relieved because he wakes up completely alone in a small room, much like the one he woke up in in that bunker all those months ago. He isn't restrained; his hands are no longer cuffed.

George's first action is to sigh, and the exhale that leaves him is relaxed and steady. Noticing the camera in the corner of the ceiling, George chooses not to move. He stays still in the corner, thinking.

Sure, he isn't with the group he's lived with for the past few months, and maybe that scares him, but he can think when he's alone. He doesn't feel under constant scrutiny, or studied under Dream's soft gaze.

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