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"Everyone report to the bedchamber for head count before bed."

George sighs, spoon twirling in his mushy, bland applesauce. Tina frowns across from him, saying, "We've had the same routine for five months, do you think things will ever change?"

"Unlikely," George mutters, downcast. There seemed to be no end to their sheltered lives in the bomb shelter, and almost everyone was either moping or bored out of their minds.

As they stand up to take their trays to the counter, Tina whispers, "I have an idea."

George catches the excited gleam in her eyes, brows furrowing. "You're not gonna get us in trouble, are you?

"Trust me, George," Tina whispers, "I did this all the time when I was in school."

"Did what?"

Tina grabs his elbow, leading him out of the room and down the hall, opposite of where everyone else was heading. She pulls them into a storage closet, letting loose a thrilled breath.

"Tina, why are we in here?" George asks, incredulous as he bumps into a mop.

"One word," Tina whispers, hands splaying in front of her. "Can you guess?"

"I don't think this is a good idea," George mutters, eyes widening as a shadowed figure walks past the door.

"Fun, George," Tina exclaims in a whisper. "When was the last time we had fun?"

"Tina, the General is going to catch us," George replies, his shoulders easing at Tina's smile, barely seen in the darkness.

"Yeah, well he can suck my dick," Tina retorts, laughing softly.

George laughs unexpectedly, the noise leaving his chest in surprise. They both descend in laughter, happiness feeding off one another. Even as the stomp of a pair of boots near the door, George can't contain his mirth, unable to keep quiet.

The door slams open, an annoyed soldier glaring down at them. His twitchy mustache only increases George and Tina's laughter, and they can't hear the soldier's next words.


A hand shakes his shoulder, waking George abruptly. Breath increasing in fear, George's hand flies to the gun under his pillow. He pulls the hammer back, slowly adjusting to the blinding light above him.

Dream stumbles back, hands up. "Woah, woah, woah! Easy there, I'm not here to kill you."

George lowers his gun immediately, grumbling, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I... well, I told Sapnap about how you've been... feeling and he had an idea." Dream's hands gradually lower, and he offers a hesitant smile.

"I've been feeling perfectly fine," George replies, confused. "I'm not sick."

Dream blinks, a soft laugh leaving his lips. "That's not what I meant." He pauses, eyeing George cautiously. "We're leaving now."

George stands up, holstering his gun. "Where are we going?

"It's a surprise."

George's eyes narrow, but he follows Dream. "It's the middle of the night."

"Best time of the night," Dream responds, glancing at George.

George doesn't reply, brows furrowing as they exit the bunker. Only the stars lie above them, twinkling like fireflies. His confusion increases as they walk to a large shed. This wasn't on the map, George thinks.

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