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Dream is gone again when George wakes up. If George had woken just half an hour earlier, he would've caught Dream peering down at him, gaze full of pure longing, but George was sound asleep, oblivious to Dream's attention.

George eats breakfast. His eating is interrupted by two children who have nothing better to do than pester him. George answers their questions, but as soon as he's finished eating, he leaves them to bother Skeppy.

George wanders around for a little bit before Sapnap interrupts the music through the speakers. His voice is clear on the intercom, calling everyone to the garage.

Once George arrives, Foolish is giving orders to the drivers about transportation and how things are going to go. George doesn't bother to listen in, subconsciously gravitating towards Dream, who tosses George a rugged smile.

George nods in greeting, attention going to Sapnap, who makes sure everyone is present. He gives the seating arrangements for the vans, making sure everyone knows what to do.

"Alright," Sapnap says, clasping his hands, "this ride is going to be a long one, but before you know it, we'll be in Canada. Any questions?"

Skeppy has one, but George doesn't pay attention, studying the packed vans. Sapnap's voice interrupts his thoughts again, "Okay, crew, let's do what my dad did for my eighth birthday and move out!"

Chuckles scatter through the room as everyone loads into the vans. George is in a van with Sam and Dream, and Punz, who is driving. He sits by himself, sitting directly across from Dream and Sam. There's a gap between the front and back, so Punz can communicate with them.

The vans start, and George watches as Sapnap's van leaves first, followed by theirs, then Skeppy's. The first minutes are spent in awkward silence, so George asks, "Can you play music?"

"Wastes gas," Punz says coldly, and George frowns.

"I don't think it does," George replies, eyes narrowing.

"Woah, we have a genius on board, everyone," Punz snarks sarcastically.

"Punz," Dream warns, voice wary, "it wouldn't hurt to play music, would it?"

Punz's eyes lift to the rearview mirror, eyes bitter. He meets George's gaze. "Aw, is your hero here to back you up?"

George's lips curl as he glares at Punz, who smirks insolently. Sam clears his throat, saying nervously, "Punz, we're all friends here."

"I'm not his friend," George says at the same time Punz snaps, "He's not my friend."

George can feel the way Sam looks between them, desperate to dispel the tension. Sam says, "You're going to make this trip painfully long if you keep this up."

"Just play the music, Punz," Dream says, exasperated.

At the sound of Dream's voice, Punz's eyes soften slightly, but he refuses. George crosses his arms and leans back, thinking bitterly, This is going to be a long trip.


Several hours later, Punz still hasn't played music. There has hardly been a word spoken between all of them.

George leans against a crate, fidgeting with his fingers in the tense silence. Sam had dug out food an hour ago, feeding them all lunch. Now, there's nothing to do, so George sits in silence, spitefully glaring at Punz whenever he catches his eyes in the rearview mirror.

Other than the crunch of tires against asphalt, not a sound is heard. All George can do is think numbly about how much he wants to leave this stifling van and its occupants.

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