Chapter 53: The Ring

Start from the beginning

While the other's seemed swayed at her reasoning, my mind when to the real question of the conversation.

"Sorry, what's this cheer?" The entire group turned on me while Sam released her first comical sigh in ages.

"Merlin, Ava. Can you be anymore under a rock?" Sam turned to Ginny finalized in her thinking. "I'm in. But if I see any reason to ditch, know I will."

Ginny was perfectly understanding of this rational, and moved us on after a quick breakdown of what was happening.

Harry and Hermione were in Umbridge's office for who knows what, Luna was on the opposing side of the hallway warding students off while Alice and Theo (no surprise there) were near the bathrooms, warding students off from going back down the hall. Ron was doing the main work, telling off Umbridge about Peeves causing trouble in the transfiguration room.

"I'm staying with my sisters," Sam decided while the others began splitting up. She looked to me but it was Ginny who responded. "Ava can stay with me. The two of us can hold down this side. Why don't you boys watch with Luna. I worry she might have some trouble holding people back."

"No problem," Dom agreed while Jasper cast the corridor a quick sweep through.

"There will be another divination class ending soon. We should hurry."

Once everyone had gotten to their posts, things reached a steady calm that kept both Ginny and I on alert. On Jasper's cue, a mass of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff sixth years started down the corridor from the divination stairwell and we went back to our routine of warnings and warding people off.

The last of the students were milling past us when an immature sense of relief came over me. I turned to Ginny for the all clear when Ginny froze, looking past me.

"There's two more!" Grab them!"

I recognized the voice as that belonging to Millicent Bulstrode. I turned around to see her followed by two other squad members, both from Ravenclaw, following after her with their wands drawn.

The clash of a spell recaching off the wall to my left sent a jolt of adrenaline down my spine as the two of us bolted. I made a drastic turn away from Ginny and down a separate corridor to force our pursuers to split up.

The echoes of others yelling out orders followed by the clashing of spells being released from wands vibrated around me from neighboring halls. I tried one of the classroom doors but as I did, out of the corner of my eyes I saw movement.


I relinquished my original plan of ducking out and ran for it, making it to the end of the hall only to be blind-sided by a force from my left, knocking me down onto my back to the ground with a deft smack.

I grimaced, breathing back the air that had left my gut and opened my eyes with a grimace.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to do this, granted—under better circumstances of course."

Theo Nott was on top of me, holding my arms down as the cockiest smirk appeared on his face.

"Nott," I hissed as he waved his brow at me with glittering eyes.


I lashed out in kicking and thrashing, trying to get him off me but he expected this and held me down, coming down closer to me 'til his hair brushed the side of my cheek. I flinched and turned away.

"Look at you," he cooed with a laugh. "See I figured this was the whole reason why Draco liked you. Always up for a little spat here and then. I wonder what he'd think of you now if he saw us."

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