Pt 19: Letter 10

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March 19 2022 - 8:37am

It's the last letter today, and also the last day I am able to literally prepare to JUST invite Atsumu over my apartment and let him sleepover. 

Opened the locker, found the letter but with a different color. It was now yellow.

Letter 10. The last letter and this is all gone.


'Atsu' is a nickname you gave to me. Am I the person you want to see?

The park is where people hangout and play. I hope to see you there at 7am on your birthday.

I won't be there cause I'm afraid. That you would reject me if not explained.

I'm not in my apartment so don't you try. to meet me there as the day still goes by.

Please come... If not it will make me look dumb.

Your beloved, Atsumu Miya

What... What the fu-... I stared at the letter just rereading the name all over like I the first time I got one. 

Him. Him. HIM!?!? no.. can't be.. right.. A little excited smile gestured in my face. I guess this is gonna be the thing I'll be looking forward too.

10 letters (Sakusa Birthday Special)Where stories live. Discover now