Pt 8: March 13

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March 13 2022 - 6:30am

"Good Mornin' Omi!" "Good Morning.." "Say, do ya always wake up early? Cause ya literally opened this in like, less than a secon'. Even Yesterday." "Hm? Oh.. I just got a doorbell a while ago that woke me up." "So... Ye don't wake up early?" "At weekdays I do but at weekends, I sleep until the afternoon." "Oh.. I guess yer not a mornin' person?" "Not really.." "Hm.. Understandable!" He gave me a thumbs up.

"So.. about the doorbell. Who was it?" He asked as I dried my wet hair. "Oh.. No one. Just a letter." "Oh? Like the one I caught ya readin'? Or was it another one?" "Same one." "Well well Omi. I think ye got yerself an admirer!" "Yeah.. It also said in the letter." "What did the letter say?" "Some corny rhymes" "Hm.. I see..."

"Wanna go watch some movies? I'll make popcorn." "Really? We can?" "Sure. I got some popcorn and I got Netflix. so why not?" "Of course! I love popcorn and Netflix!"

I cooked some popcorn and Atsumu picked a movie to watch on Netflix. In the end, he picked 'Enola Holmes'

We watched the whole movie which was more than 2 hours. Well.. Not fully

Atsumu fell asleep on my shoulder half way through the movie. And I may or may not have been watching him sleep as the movie was playing...

It was just.. Atsumu looked peaceful. He looked like an angel. I wanted to give him a kiss on the forehead.

Was this what Komori called 'love'?

I didn't understand what 'love' was... I've never really felt like this before in my entire life... Well, Maybe not entirely.

I felt this once when we were at high school. When I saw Atsumu for the first time, at All-youth Training Camp. I got this same feeling of butterflies in my stomach. But this time, It was bigger than before.

I didn't question a lot of things before. So I thought, It was just normal... I guess not.

I think I realized that yesterday.

Was this 'love'? Was it?

I never really experienced the word 'love' when I was little. Dad never really had time for me and Mom.. well, she was dead...

I think that I experienced love when I first met Komori. The Family Kind, of course. When I was little, I thought that they only cared for me, not loved me. I never really thought of it as 'love' since I never really knew what that word meant.

I guess this is what it means? I'm guessing that this 'love' thing is a feeling of care and trust about a person. And I'm guessing there are a lot of kinds too.

March 13 2022 - 1:07pm

"Mm.. Omi?" I heard as Atsumu woke up from his sleep.

"Good Afternoon Atsu" "Hu-Huh? Afternoon? Did I fall asleep?" "Mhm.. You did." "Oh.. Sorry Omi.. We could 'ave had more fun if I-" "It's fine. I turned off the movie when you fell asleep so that I couldn't spoil you."

Lie. I didn't continue watching the movie due to staring at you.

"Hm.. I'm hungry..." "You want to order Pizza?" "Yes Please!"

March 13 2022 - 1:30pm

The pizza arived after a while and we both started eating.

Halfway with the Pizza, we turned the movie back on to watch as we eat.

That's all we did. Eat and watch.

As simple as it is, I loved it. I loved it very much.

10 letters (Sakusa Birthday Special)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن