Pt 1: Letter 1

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March 10 2022 - 8:15am

I walked in the gym to find the others there. I greeted then then walked in the club room to change into my jersey. I opened my locker to see a red envelope fly out.

What's this? I Asked myself. I picked it up from the floor and examined it. I didn't know who it was from but all I know, it's probably for me, I mean, it's in MY locker.

I opened the envelope and there was a neatly folded paper inside with a title 'Letter 1'.

I opened the letter and read it.

All I know is how I hate myself when I'm with you.

I hate how you always make my heart filled with butterflies and color. I always wished you were my lover.

I hate how I can't tell you what I feel about you in person. I always think that if I do try to tell you, I'll end up in rejection.

But even If I hate myself because of you...

I love you

Eh? What? I reread the phrase over and over and over again.

'I love you'? Am I reading this right? Apparently... Yes. Yes I was.

Who could this be from? I asked myself. I mean, it couldn't be from my team... right? Or was it?... I hate letters.. This is probably a prank... right?.. Right!?.. Gosh, Why am I asking myself these questions? It's not like I can answer those questions.. God! I'm going crazy over a stupid letter!

"Omi?" A familiar voice suddenly spoke which made me jump. "Oh... It's just you Miya." "Can't ya NOT call me 'Miya'?" He told, pouting. "Say, what do ya have there?" He continued, pointing to the envelope and letter in my hand.

"Uh nothing!" I said, shoving the letter and envelope in my locker and closing. "Ya sure? What is it?" "Mind your business Miya." "Alright. Don't have  to be rude ya know?! Anyways, ya've been here for a while and I was just checking on ya. don't worry." "Oh? Surprised that you decided to check on me Miya." "Sh-shut up. I got to go, bye." He said running off.

What weirdness does he have in his mind today? And what was that letter? I kept on thinking but decided to brush it off of my mind and just continue on with my day.

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