Pt 12: March 15

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March 15 2022 - 8:30am

"Sakusa-san? Would you mind having a sleepover?" "Huh?" "Well.. we're gonna be having a sleepover! Me, Bokuto-san, Atsumu-san. Everyone! In the team of course." "Where?" "Atsumu-san's house. Why?" "Oh.. I'm coming then. I'll just sleep in my apartment."

"Oh right! You're both roommates! That's great!" "I guess.." "Alright! I'll tell them! It's at 6pm by the way!" Hinata ran to the others.

I guess having a sleepover is fine... Well, minus the sleeping over part. Practice then began.

March 15 2022 - 4:29pm

"See you there!" Atsumu said as we walked away to our apartments.

"I'm so glad ye agreed Omi-kun!" "Yeah but I won't be sleeping over. So it's technically a hang out for me and a sleepover for you all" "I guess.. Bu' as long as ye hang out with us, It's fine!" Atsumu skipped along.

I do wish it was only us two.. I would've slept there if so.. I wished.

March 15 2022 - 5:30pm

I arrived at Atsumu's door and rang the doorbell.

"Oh! Good Evenin' Omi-kun! Yer early? Well, ye are m' neighbor bu' ye could have just waited for it to be six o'clock." "Well, might as well be early. I'm not gonna be sleeping here anyways." "Good point... Come in!" "Thanks.."

Atsumu's apartment was SURPRISINGLY clean. Like, I expected it to be A BIT messy but I didn't expect it to be clean to the brim.

"I may or may not have over exaggerated on cleanin' my apartment 'cause I forgot that ye only got Minor Mysophobia. Hehe.. Sorry.." "no no, It's fine. This is fine. Expected that you would remember about my phobia but not expecting that you would take it seriously where you literally clean your whole apartment to the brim."

"Of course I would clean it. Yer my best friend!" Best friend.. "Really I am?" "Mhm!" "A-alright."

March 15 2022 - 6:00pm

Me and Atsumu heard a doorbell. Two actually. Probably Bokuto and Hinata taking turns.

"Hey! We're here!" Hinata and Bokuto shouted as they went in Atsumu's apartment.

"Oh! Sakusa-san! You're already here!" "Mhm.. Good Evening Everyone" "Good Evening!"

After that, we ate snacks, played games, and everyone told stories. It was fun. Well, for me, my fun ends at the end of the day.

I waved goodbye as I left Atsumu's apartment.

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