Pt 2: March 10

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March 10 2022 - 8:30am

"Sakusa! There you are! It's time for practice!" "Okay."

"Hey Meian-san. Omi was Lookin' at somethin' very secretly! That's why he just showed up" "Really?" "No. I wasn't." "Ya sure Omi?" "I am. Don't make me tell you again Miya." "Stop calling me Miya can ya?" "Hm.. Let's see... No." "Ya li-"

"Now now. No more fighting you two. It's time for practice." Meian told the two and they started practice.

March 10 2022 - 4:00pm

"Alright everyone! Practice is over. You can head home today. Good Job with practice" Meian told and everyone started packing, excited to their home.

Sakusa was packing his things when Atsumu came up to hin again.

"Ne Omi-kun?" "What?" "What did ya have back there?" "Nothing. What are you talking about?" "Oh Omi... I know that ya had a letter 'cause I g- I mean saw it." Atsumu told awkwardly which made Sakusa suspicious of him.

"If you saw it. Why ask?" "To make ye actually fess up 'bout what ya got!" "You're so confusing Miya" "First off, I'm not. Second, Stop! Stop calling me that can ya?" "Like I said, no." He told him then left.

What did he mean a while ago? Did he really see it? or was it something else? Something else he didn't want to say? Sakusa thought as he walked home.

10 letters (Sakusa Birthday Special)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt