Pt 11: Letter 6

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March 15 2022 - 7:55am

The Morning 'routine' was beginning to be a usual one.

Waking up. Going to the club room. Opening my locker, then, Finding a red envelope inside. The rest of the day is the only time I don't know what happens, also what's in the letter.

So, here I am again in the locker, Opening my letter that says 'Letter 6' then reading it.


Unique as hell you are. You also shine like a star.

Ten letters is what you'll get in the end. I love how true you are being my friend.

Underneath all that Cold and mean, You aren't what you seem.

Ten letters? Guess I know now how many I'll get. So, ten. I have six, so four more? So they'll be giving the last one in my birthday? Well.. Now I know when these letters stop. Wonder who is it tho.. I heard the door open and shoved the paper and letter. I do NOT wanna be seen again standing and also reading a literal love letter.

10 letters (Sakusa Birthday Special)Where stories live. Discover now