Chapter-14:Class trial-1 part-5

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3rd POV

"She specifically tells the reader to check the nameplate. She would only have written that if she knew the nameplates had been switched." Kyoko tells everyone.


"But... why would she switch them in the first place?" Junko asks

"She wanted someone to come to the room she was in, and also hide the fact that it was Makoto's room," Kyoko explains

"What...?" Makoto questions her

"Inviting someone to "your" room, but not telling them you'd switched rooms... Why would anyone do that?" Chihiro asks

"To understand that... we first need to understand what happened after she invited the person into the room." Kyoko says

"What happened then was... probably... Whoever she invited over... come in, and... attacked her!" Ishimaru exclaims

"We figured it out! We know who did it! Whoever she invited over is the culprit!" He shouts

"But we still don't know who it is, ya goddamn idiot..." Mondo reminds him

<Celeste-COUNTER: Let me change the odds of the gamble>

"Sayaka fought with her killer there in the room, yes? Perhaps the answer to our previous question lies in that initial struggle." Celeste suggests

"Yes, I think you're right," Kyoko tells her.

"Then... we just have to figure out what happened during the fight, right!?" Aoi asks

"That reminds me... There was a replica sword at the murder scene. Was that perhaps used during the fight?" Sakura wonders.

"Oh yeah, what's the deal with that sword?" Aoi asks.

"Sayaka suggested I should hold on to it. I thought it might come in handy if I had to defend myself..." Makoto explains.

"It seems pretty likely that the killer used it to break Sayaka's right wrist." Kyoko concludes.

"How the hell could you possibly know that's what broke her wrist!?" Leon asks her.

"All you have to do is take a good look at her broken wrist, and it should become pretty clear. Right there where her wrist is all swollen, there's something glittery there, see?" Makoto tells him

"Is... is that gold?" Chihiro asks "It sure is. Specifically, the gold coating from the replica sword. You barely have to touch that stuff and it'll stick right to you. And there's some on her wrist because..." Kyoko trails off

"I got it! Because she got hit with the sword, right there on her wrist!" Ishimaru concludes

"I see, I see... And so the truth draws ever closer..." Hifumi murmurs.

"Alright! Then it's about time to solve this mystery!" Yasuhiro says

"When the fighting broke out the culprit grabbed the sword. And that's when the first blow was dealt! A sword-based sneak attack!" He claims

<Makato-COUNTER: No that's wrong.>

"How can you know that just by looking at her palms?" Ishimaru asks him

"Like I said before, the gold coating on that sword comes right off. All you have to do is touch it. In fact, if you look you'll notice that a lot of the gold has already come off the handle. It's safe to assume that's because whoever used the sword got some of it on their hands. So there's really no way she could have picked it up and come away completely clean." Makoto explains

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