Chapter:2-A new hell

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I got some flashbacks about how i met chihiro in middle school,those were golden days,too bad i don't remember them .all were foggy,i only remember specific memories,are these memories true,is my talent even correct,or is it fabricated , i seems the mastermind who trapped me in this place stole my memories,i wonder such a thing is possible or i forget them by coincidence ,i only remember my final goal, but i don't remember how much i achieved my goal 

                                                                                                                                                                  tch, i doesn't matter how much hardships i face, i will complete my goals no matter what my talent is it, no matter who i am ,no matter how weak i am present 

Toko : y-you b-both totally forget m-me and b-being mushy-mushy to each other,why do you hate me so much

Kenta : hate is a strong word ,blame your lack of presence,you don't do anything on your own and expect people to help you,when you criticise them

Toko : *blushing* D-Don't jab at me

Chihiro :Kenta-san you are being mean to toko

Kenta : I speak the truth

Toko : y-you are i-ignoring me a-again


Toko pov

when he screamed at m-me i w-was speechless,I feel slightly aroused,he was so dominative,possessive,powerful,handsome he was like a p-prince,who I d-dreamed of in my  book,it was love at first sight,although i prefer a rich b-business man like b-byakuya-sama ,K-Kenta-sama is clearly s-superior, he is so nice he chose me no one picked me ,i can feel him dominating him already ,i should make kenta-sama n-notice me,it's decided i will follow him  now onwards , he-he kenta sama i will make you a-acknowlege me

I s-summoned my courage and spoke

Toko : s-sorry ,K-Kenta-sama i was a bad girl

Kenta pov

it all took one loud scream to shut her up,also it seems she is showing her machochism towards me, good grief why can't i have normal classmates 

my thought train was interrupted by chihiro

Chihiro : K-Kenta-san , you are so s-scary,please don't scream like that a-again

Kenta : sure,but keep quiet and let me think

That's new ,so she was scared too,so my gaze makes people submit,so i must be someone who has some authoritative command,so all i have to do is to raise voice so that most people shut up,i wonder if my voice can shut up strong minded people like ogami,byakuya,celeste,kyoko

Now it is not the time for theories,if i am trapped here in hope's peak academy,there must be some sort of map,maybe i should check it in classrooms,since it is the most likely place to find a map,normally people ignore the place they first woke up,since they already investigated the area they think they investigated everything,boy they are wrong,new things add up everyday,there is change in environment with time,calculus is based on this principles,before i stared fanboying,i found some blue prints to a map,i also has a hedding "HOPE'S PEAK ACADEMY" in capital letters, before i investigated that map, i found a certain lavdener hair

Kyoko : so you found the map,you have good observation skills,now can you hand me it

Kenta : for someone who doesn't cooperate with others ,you sure want others to cooperate

Kyoko : hand me the map now

Kenta : intimidation don't work for me lavender hair,if you want me to hand me the map,you should share something that i don't know

Kyoko : Fine,i figured that there is a chance that one of us is a mastermind

Kenta : As i expected ,you have no information,well you can have the map since it's hard to figure out any leads ,with less places to investigate

I reluctantely handed kyoko the map

Kenta : i don't hear any 'thank you'

Kyoko : well 'THANK YOU' but let me read the map

Kenta : the moral compass told everyone to meet in the dinning hall,don't be late ,not that i care or anything

I make my way towards dinning hall

Kyoko pov

so suspicious,not only he was calm but also he is also treating the whole situation as some sort of game,he is just the same as byakuya but there is something different about him,that makes him so confident,Kenta kiyoshi who are you,why are you so confident in this situation,

                                                                                                                                                                                  Even me who makes a iron mask to hide my feelings,is shocked and paranoid in this situation,It is hard  to admit ,but even i am scared of what i lost,and what i can lose, but you on other hand treat it like a gameshow , there is so much about you is unclear,

                                                                                                           What is your motivations,are you the mastermind?, or you some sort of authoritative figure,no matter who you are ,you aren't some normal person,no you are even normal for an ultimate,

                                                                                                                I can easily judge by your reactions and lack of expressions that you aren't someone who doesn't favour nonsense and is intelligent,cold,distinct ,wary of others, but there is still many things i don't know , i still can't remember my talent

                                           Of course revealing my amnesia to others makes me more suspicious and there is a chance that mastermind will target me,so my best choice is to lay low and observe,*sigh* if only i remember my talent and my memories,no , i should focus at the task in hand

              so it seems that this place is indeed hope's peak academy,how pristine,the symbols of hope are placed  in the same academy that nurtures the ultimate ability,now i should go back to the dining hall to share this map

Kenta pov

Kenta : Sorry everyone i am late, and my name is kenta kiyoshi ,sorry i was panicked,so i didn't introduced myself(i gave a natural smile to make others believe my words)  

Celeste : (come on kenta ,in fact you of all people didn't panic at all,there is no way people will buy it)

Hina : it's ok we are all at same mood,oh by the way i am hina

Mondo :chill out man,we all have that phanse,i am mondo

sayaka : hello my name is sayaka maizono(i can't read him at all,but we are friends so i trust him)

Celeste : (right,i may have underestimated people idociy,surely they believe such low trick,nevermind,he gave such a natural smilesuch that even i have hard time figuring his lies,he doesn't make any expressions,when he makes it,it is so genuine ,so it's hard to predict him,maybe i should rank him up,clearly he is way ahead of this commoners)

*Everyone introduces themselves to kenta*

Kenta : Yeah i got everyone's name ,it is nice to meet you(it's so lame and cringy,the things i do for people trust)

soon people discuss the things which i already knew when i investigated everything in the academy,i ignored the people's talking and kept focus on only important information

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