Chapter-5 free time

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Kenta pov

so sayaka is lamer than i thought seriously , she is nothing but a random pop star , i don't get what makoto and everyone else see in her but i don't like her at all , her manipulation is mediocore compared to celeste and she is just alright in looks , makato is very ordinary boy with no independent thinking no wonder , he has a crush on her . simple persons have bad tastes 

 They always leave better partners  to find the bad ones

But enough talk let's gather info from another one , Target : Leon kuwata

                         <TALKING TIME, START >

Kenta : Hello leon

Leon : Yo ken , what's up

Kenta : Seriously ken , 

Leon : Aw don't be a stuck up man dude

Kenta : Whatever , her take this musical book (I got this from makato , seriously what makes him think I like these things)

Leon Are you shitting me? I can have this!?

This is cool. Super cool! I feel like maybe I don't even hafta get outta here anymore!

Hah! Yeah, right! I still totally hafta get outta here.


 Kenta:Calm down , don't be ishimaru now 

Leon : sorry , I am excited , I wanted to be a musician

 I'm not even afraid anymore. Now I'm just pissed off...

Why?! Why is this happening to me?!

This isn't fair, man! I mean, am I wrong?

Kenta : We are all at the same situation , it sucks to be prisoners (damn I swore, I shouldn't do it , leon is affecting me)

Leon :Right?! Totally unfair. Ultra unfair!

Leon : Just like having to shave my head right before every baseball game!

Kenta :Well I choose to do that, right?

Leon : C'mon man! Are *you* against me now too!?

I didn't even wanna play! But the coach and all the teachers begged me, so I did!

And then they made me shave my head, just cuz it's "tradition." How's that fair?!

Kenta :You really hate baseball that much, huh...?

Leon : Damn straight I do! Who has fun running around on a dusty field for three hours!?

Kenta :But...for baseball players, the field is like a sacred ground, isn't it?

Leon : But it's so not cool! Spending all that time at practice, getting covered in sweat and dirt...

It's just baseball, right? It's easy! Who needs to practice!?

Kenta :I think the gods picked the wrong person to bless with that much talent...

Leon : Still...I gotta admit, baseball wasn't all bad. It did have a few things going for it...

Kenta :Yeah, right? Like the feeling of camaraderie between you and your teammates!

Leon : Nah, nothin' like that! I can't stand being around a bunch of sweaty guys. So totally uncool!

Kenta :Then...what did you like about it?

Leon : Well, I hate studying, right? But I still got into this super fancy school on a sports scholarship.

Danganronpa : A certain Anti-social Mathematician(Male oc Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant