Chapter :3-A talk with monokuma

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Kenta's pov

Basically the Gambler goth said something about being adapt and overcome and surviving the situation,and kyoko pointed out that we are trapped here,the rest info is useless things which I already know

                              with less information, i make my way towards the dorms

I sigh ,there are many mistakes which i made today,i am still alienating the other people,i fixed it in the dining hall,but there is some people wary about me namely, celeste,kyoko,byakuya,i can easily overcome  byakuya,celeste .Their pride will be their downfall,they think they are smart  with their high class and all that . But i show them who is better by surviving

the most threating to me are kyoko and that fake junko,they are unpredictable and unknown to me,i don't like dealing unknown and unpredictable things, i want to be in control of this situation and yet i made some bad decisions and antagonized kyoko

It seems my manipulation skills don't work on Kyoko and celeste,i need to read them carefully,Byakuya on the other hand,i need to infuriate him in order to read him,I need to carefully observe my classmates in order to plan carefully for all unknowns,if luck is on my side i can easily get away with murder,i still bad enough for Chihiro but my goal should be reached at all costs  

                 I don't why i am so obsessed with reaching my goal that bad ,but i must not give up in this situation,i need to maintain my mask and think calmly,any irrational decision in my part will cost my life, although it is difficult to maintain with my naive classmates, seriously they are so irrational being,

                                               I hate them,i completely hate their irrationality,i hate how naive these little brats ,if not for my practice ,i would've lashed out at them,they clearly are stupid naive to trust others easily,i hate how they they decide truth based on what they like,when these ignorant children will realise that this is a life and death situation,i am sure celeste feels the same way

THat's why she left the dinning hall,it's not only because of shower,she left to maintain her iron mask his is falling,her forced smile before she left confirms it,i knew a bit about her today

I still hate them very much,i hate these naive brats,i hate their irrationality,i hate their expressions,i hate their voice,i hate everything about them

now i am becoming misanthorpist again,i should be calm and tolerate this children for now,now 

??? : Are you being emo again ken-kun?

Kenta : who are you ? show yourselves

A random monokuma pops up

What will you do?

Monokuma : geez i not some pokemon,show me respect kenta,i am better than that pocket monster

Kenta : i am too occupied to talk to you know

Monokuma : don't be naive ken-kun, i know what you thinking,you are hating your classmates,how bad friend you are now ken-kun

Kenta : Say what you want,i presume you want me to badmouth my classmates so that you can record and show that to my classmates,how should i believe such a sketchy person like you

Monokuma : Geez ,that's not a bad idea,but i want you to have a headmaster to student talk right now,ken-kun don't be afraid to speak your mind

Kenta : people say the same thing,yet they become angry when i started speaking the truth ,no one wants the truth , people Higly prefer handsome/cool/cute persons over smarter ones

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