chapter-13:Class trail-1Deadly life part-4

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3rd POV
"What are you talking about. I have pr-" Kyoko tried to fight back
<Argument: Your argument is baseless and irrational>Kenta
"What I'm saying is... are you guys all sure we can decide something so important based solely on the absence of something as minuscule as hair?" Kenta asks all of the students.
"That is true, and we should be more thorough about deciding a culprit," Kenta argued
"This topic should be discussed with at most caution. Our lives are on the line after all "

"We can't just decide this based on your petty intuition and your baseless proofs "
"A sequence of statements and reasons are given to demonstrate that a claim a false or true is called an argument"
"If you make a mistake. Then there is all to it"
"You are just making some baseless logic to prove your statement "
"Why is my argument 'baseless'.And what's wrong with it "Kyoko asked Kenta
"Well actually, there are other reasons that prove Makoto couldn't have done it," Kyoko tells Kenta
"Really? I would like to hear these reasons then..." Kenta requests
"The hair could have easily been removed by Makoto "
"And don't use the statement that there is no need for makato to remove hair in his room "
"It's not about the need of market to remove the hair in his room."
"Rather it's about the probability that market could have removed hair to personally"Kenta proclaimed
"Unless you don't have another valid argument, your statement just leaves a lot of uncertainties."Kenta completed the argument
"Do you remember anything remarkable about the bathroom at the scene? Sayaka was attacked in the main room first, then fled into the bathroom, right?" Kyoko asks
"And how did the killer get into the bathroom? Did they have any trouble with it?" Kyoko asks
"Yeah, then they ran after her, got into the bathroom, and stabbed her," Kenta says
"So, what "
"It's not completely out of logic  to use a toolkit to break locks ."
[EvidenceMakato toolkit]
<BREAK: I will slash through the truth > Kyoko
"What do you mean...?" Kenta questions her
"It's fairly certain that the killer had some trouble getting into the bathroom. There was clear evidence left behind. Do you remember, Makoto?" Kyoko asks
"Evidence that the killer had trouble getting into the bathroom... You're talking about the doorknob, right?" Makoto says quizzically
"NO. Talking egg about the fact you didn't use your toolbox. Which is the major proof of your innocence"
"Huh? The toolbox? What toolbox?" Yasuhiro asks
"He's talking about the doorknob for his bathroom. It was completely broken. I thought makato has used his toolbox to open the door" Kenta explains to him.
"See how the top part was unscrewed, and the doorknob is about ready to fall off?" He adds
"Oh yeah, true... so a screwdriver in the toolbox is used to open the doorknob," Chihiro asks Kenta

"it's not against monokuma rules" Kenta exclaimed

"In trying to bypass the lock, they ended up nearly removing the entire doorknob. This is another most bewildering act for the room's owner. It proves Makoto is beyond suspicion." Kyoko claims

"So what, you're saying he wouldn't break the door in his? If the only choice you have is to break it, you break it! There's nothing "bewildering" about it! Even if he didn't use his toolbox he would've picked up somehow" Leon says

"You still don't see? Okay, then... Let's take another look at how the incident unfolded. Hopefully, that will help you understand..." Kyoko says as she looks over to Kenta.


"The incident took place in Makoto's room. Sayaka was first attacked in the main room. She then fled into the bathroom." Kenta begins.

"Then the killer ran after her... And they got into the bathroom." Chihiro continues his sentence

"At that point, the killer had to try and bust down the door because Sayaka had locked it," Leon says
[Evidence:Makato's doorknob]
"NO THAT'S WRONG" Makato yelled
<Argument break>
"The reason my bathroom didn't open wasn't that it was locked. After all, the girls' rooms are the only ones with locking bathrooms, right?" Makoto says

"Yes... Now that you mention it, that is true." Sakura recalls

"Then... why didn't your bathroom door open...?" Chihiro asks him

"Because it was stuck," Makoto explains to her.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Leon asks

"My bathroom door doesn't fit the frame quite right. Monokuma over there can testify to that." Makoto says as he points towards Monokuma, causing everyone's attention to shift over to him.

"Yup! True as true can be! But ya're supposed to be the Ultimate Lucky Student, right? But to have such a cruddy door... Puhuhu...! That's not lucky at all!" Monokuma exclaims

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