revised kentas's bio

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The reason Kenta attend hope's peak is to stop junko plans

kenta is not inherently evil ,he is just as selfish

He is overconfident that he survive the killing game

So he attends to prove himself in the killing game

So he makes some plans to use junko to achieve his dream

his organisation is more secretive and not powerful than togami

Even celestia made some trouble with his organisation

And Kenta is not a normal person

he is a intelligent progidy remember, he is just like a mafia man

Listen kenta has a shitty life

no one cared for him,no one stood up for him ,when he needed their,so he got the idea ,that all people are bad,so he don't regret betraying them,it's not due to just parents

He is a bit paranoid about trusting people

Junko erases his memory just like she did kirgirl,since he can over throw her plans

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