Chapter 33: Master of Flame and The Domineering 'Witch'

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"You can do it, right, Senku?" Ana appeared right between them, leaning close to Senku's face, excitement clear on her face.

Senku gave her a side-eye glance before he smirkes.

"Just sit tight, Ana. I'll crank it out right now." Senku rose one finger before he started doing what Ana wanted him to do.

Ana grinned as she started doing her own way of calculation through Senku.

'The diameter of the lens is 5 cm, with the Sun at a constant 1,355 w/m²... Goddamn... Calculating the speed of heat generation mentally is no joke. 2- 6... 8... 2... 1... Approximately 2.68. With the lack of wind in the air, we'll let the speed of its radiation be 0. The temperature and conditions under which fur skins ignite are similar to paper. Specific heat CP = 1.3 KJ density P = 900 kg/m³ flash point of 300 degrees...'

"60 Seconds." Senku and Ana said at the same time, the latter holding up six fingers towards Gen.

"That should do it." Senku finalized before he turned to look at Ana and placing a hand on her head, "You little shit, you actually get it right again through me."

"It's easier!!" Ana laughed, knowing full well that Senku was more amused than anything.

"Okaaaaay~ Now it's time for a Mentalist's work!!" Gen ran forward and jumped on top of one of the huts nearby, "OHHH LITTLE MAGMA POO!!"

Magma visibly flinched when he heard a familiar voice.

"You went to so much trouble last time we met, didn't you? Thank you... For killing me~"

"Y... YOU'RE... THAT OUTSIDER SORCEROR!!" Exclaimed Magma.

"H... H... H... H... HOW...?! HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" Stuttered Mantle.

"Well, that's obvious .. Sorcery, of course." Gen smiled innocently before doing random and completely made up hand signs.

Lalaine snorted, "Oh my fucking- He didn't even try random Naruto hand signs." She was trying so hard not to laugh out loud at the ridiculous 'sorcery show' that Gen was putting up.

With a flick of Gen's wrist, no one, except Ana and Lalaine, noticed him throw a bunch of flower petals right on top of where Magma was standing.

'He sure keeps a lotta tricks up his sleeve~ Well, I guess he is a Magician.' Observed Senku, staring with bored eyes as the flower petals fell to the ground.

"Alrighty, Magma Baby... I've just cast a spell over you~ If you take even one step, your heart will explode. '

"This sorcery attack counts as outside interference!! This is against the rules!!" Magma tried to counter.

"Sure..." The tone in Ana's voice was anything but sincere, "If you explode, that is. But if it's a bluff, well, then it's nothing more than taunts and jeers from the crowd. Which as you well know, is perfectly fine."

Ana made an intimidating figure with William slithering slowly around her shoulders, even the snake looked as if he was daring Magma to move.

"So then... Why don't you test it and find out?" Senku joined in, daring Magma with a sleazy smirk on his face, "Go on, try moving. Let's see whether or not you blow to bits."

"That's low." Kinrou flinched away from the two.

"Sleazeballs." Muttered Kohaku.

Ana started laughing lowly before it start increasing in volume but not enough to disrupt people outside their circle. Her laugh was sounding so evil in a comedic way that Lalaine could no longer hold herself and started laughing along with Ana.

[Heavily Editing] Unprecedented Adventure - Dr. STONE FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz