Me? Love Her? Ha! - Part Four

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, Danny. I tried so hard not to think about him, but it just keeps getting harder and harder..."

The girl trailed off, all her concentration focusing on not crying again. Upon hearing the words, an unreadable expression swept over the boy's features. He stared at the girl, watching as she battled for composure, her arms wrapped around herself as she rocked.

"You..." Daniel began, his voice turning hoarse. A mixture of pain and despondency pooled in his eyes, making Lynn blink. But then it was gone. He continued as before, each syllable seeming to come out of him like bitter parsley.

"You really like him that much..."

Her lips parted, the blue of her eyes welling up once more.

"I love him."

The boy flinched. 

Seconds slugged by as the pair sat in silence. Finally, the model stood up, extending a hand to her person. She accepted it, setting her paintbrush on the nearby towel as he pulled her up.

"Thank you, Daniel," Lynn whispered softly, looking up at him with her bright blue eyes. The boy stared with that same unreadable expression, his hand still gripping hers.

"Lynn... I—"

A sudden commotion erupted from behind them, causing Lynn to turn. And freeze.

There, marching towards them with the burning wrath of a thousand gods, was Cody. His dark, tousled waves ruffled as he sped towards them, his hazel eyes fixed upon Lynnette with the sinister blaze of determination, totally unaware of the chaos he had created behind him.

Lynnette couldn't breath. There he was - the man she had pined and cried and lavished on - walking towards her, coming to her, drilling his gaze into the depths of her soul with the fire of—

Anger. He was angry at her.

Immediately her heart jumped in her throat, surges of excitement and dread washing through in a whirlpool of confusion. What would she say? How would she survive with him staring at her with such passion and fury? 

Smile. Just smile.

She plastered the safe-guard expression on her face just as Cody stopped in front of them. His fierce gaze shifted from Lynn to Daniel, and then finally settled on the enjoining of their hands. He froze, his fists clenching as his body went rigid.

"So," Cody ground out through his teeth. "Disney World, huh? Now why didn't I hear about this?"

Lynn's heart leapt. So this was why he came!

"Yes!" she exclaimed, her smile now genuine. "Daniel offered to take us to Disney World for three days! Can you believe it? Cody, you should come with us!"

The jock blinked, confusion twisting those oh-so-beautifully chiseled features.

"Wait... I don't—"

"Actually, as much as Lynn and I would love for you to come..." Daniel cut in, taking a step forward to execute a stage-whisper. "There's limited space. One room, one very comfy bed, all that intimate jazz - if you get what I mean."

A few seconds ticked by as Cody's face slowly blanched to a ghastly shade of white. He stared, frozen, shocked, petrified, pleading to the heavens that he had erred in his hearing.

Lynn blinked as well."Oh.. we have limited space? Can't we get more rooms - I mean, I was hoping to invite two of my other really good friends as well."

"Oh no," the model admonished, his eyes sliding over to Cody as a grin spread over his face. "This trip can only take two people, Lynnie."

For a moment silence pervaded, and then something happened - something that Lynn had never witnessed in all her years.

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