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Chapter 10, Rosemary.

~ Carly's POV ~

We were heading to the park after that weird incident. I've never seen Nathan so angry at such a person, watching him beat the hell out of Kason was definitely a sight to see.
Kason has always treated me like a rag doll in our Middle School years, talking to me how he wanted, treated me how he wanted. I was getting pretty tired of it.

I was laying my head on Nathan's shoulder while he gently stroked my hair, pushing it behind my ears. I was really in love with him, like it was unexplainable. He made me feel ways I've never felt about someone before, it's crazy.
Kyle and Dalton were jamming out to the songs playing on the aux, singing each word the songs said. The song being "Needles and Pins" By Deftones.

~ no one's pov, just narrating ~

"How neat," Kyle sung, looking over at Dalton as he continued the song.
"I'm impressed," Dalton sung.
"How did you come to be... So blessed?" Kyle hummed, low.
"You're a star..." Dalton said, looking at Kyle's eyes.
Carly observed from the back seat as Nathan continued to stroke her hair, playing with it.
"You blaze.. out like a sharp machine.." Kyle said, starring back at Dalton.
"Like a whales moan.." Dalton continued.
"I'm here if that's what you want!" The two boys said in sync.
The song continued as Kyle and Dalton sung, the other two listening in the back seat.
Carly scooted herself onto Nathan's lap, he was taken aback by the sudden motion.
"Uh, okay-" Nathan said, giggling.
"You got a problem?" Carly said, laughing while her face flushed with red.
"DON'T YOU BE FUCKING IN MY DAMM CAR AGAIN, ESPECIALLY WITH US IN IT-" Kyle yelled from the drivers seat, laughing within every word.
"Yeah, yeah. We won't." Nathan said, winking at Carly. They all laughed at the sudden outburst, it was kinda funny; but embarrassing to Nathan and Carly.
The two in the front continued yelling words as Carly and Nathan shared sweet-nothings, flirting and giggling.

~ Dalton's POV ~

We were nearing the park, I could see the slides and swings from the window beside me. I couldn't wait to get out and move my legs some, it feels like I've been sitting in this car for hours. I knew the park we were going to had a bowling alley inside, maybe we 4 could play together.
It was getting dark outside, it was around 5:00 PM, around sunset time.
I wanted to strike a conversation, but I didn't know what to say. My mind was blank as I listened to the songs in the background.
"We here motherfuckers," Kyle said, turning down the radio as he pulled into the parking lot.
"Shit, bet." Nathan said, smiling.
I watched as Carly took herself off Nate's lap, scooting to the right.
"Why your car so messy.." Carly mumbled in disgust.
"Man, I don't know." Kyle said, turning off the ignition before opening his door.
The other two in the back also opened their doors, getting out. But, for some reason..
I couldn't move.
Why couldn't I move?
Why was my body so stiff.
"Dalton?" Kyle said, slightly pushing me.
"Ah- Shit, yeah sorry.. I was, a little.. occupied." I said as I opened my door, stepping out of the car.

We walked to the swings inside the gated park. Carly instantly sat on one as Nathan stood behind her, pushing her. She swung high with time, her feet could touch the top of the damn clouds if she wanted to.
I watched as Kyle sat on the bench on his phone, he looked upset.
I slowly walked over to him.
"Hey man," I said sitting next to the brown haired boy.
"What's up." He responded, looking away from his phone at me. His eyes gazed at me, I couldn't speak for a second.
"Just, wanted to check on you. I noticed your hair was different, did you dye it recently?"  I mumbled.
"Ah, yeah. It was just something quick, I didn't have time to—'professionally' get it done, haha."  Kyle responded before looking back down at his phone. His eyes were fixated on the small text bubbles, I watched his thumbs move quickly across the keyboard, typing a response back. I wonder who he was talking to.
I hesitated, I wanted to lay my head on his shoulder to look, but I didn't want to invade his privacy.
"She's aggravating." Kyle said, his tone in his voice could say he was angry.
"Who?" I took this as my chance, and laid my head on his shoulder. Leaning into the sudden safety I felt.
"You know who." He said, angrily.
My eyes scanned the messages. Kyle was arguing with his ex, Kayla. She really was a bitch. He always ranted to me about how awful she was, I hated seeing how much pain Kayla put Ky through.
"Yeah.. I'm sorry bro." I said, looking up at his eyes. They were still glued to his phone... Why couldn't he just look back at me for once?
"It's—Its not a big deal." Kyle said before his eyes met mine.
"I, uhm.." I couldn't breathe. My chest suddenly got heavy.
"Were you—..Staring at me?" The taller boy said, staring at me. I felt my heart speed up, the tension between us was definitely something.
"I.." I said, before raising up and looking away. Or so I thought.
I felt an arm go around me, behind my neck and a hand holding my arm. I look over to see Kyle, staring right back at me; smiling.
That cocky smirk.. I wanted to die.
He made me feel shit I wish I didn't.
"Dalton," Kyle spoke, low.
"I- what?-" I struggled to get out, why couldn't I speak?
"I love you."
"Dalton, I—I," Kyle paused,"I love you."
"I love you too Ky.." I said, looking Kyle in his eyes.
"Do you really?" Kyle said, he scooted closer, putting his right hand on my thigh. God, Ive never been this close with him.
"Y..Yeah.." I said, looking away nervously. My face was heating up, I could feel the blush grow bigger.
"Look at me." Ky said.
"..Okay." I turn my head to look at Kyle. I watched as he ran his right hand up to my cheek, slowly stroking it before getting closer to my face.
I could feel his breath on my face, our lips were so close. Our noses were touching, I just wanted him to kiss me already.
"I really, love you."
"I— really love you too."
With that, I felt our lips intertwine. His thumb gently stroked the sides of my cheeks, his hand ran down to the side of my neck. I couldn't ask for more.
I really loved him.
And he loved me too.
What else could I possibly want or even need?

1160 words! Jesus, crazy. I know this rushed, I have a life outside of writing and needed a quick mental break. I've had writers block for a week😂. Ah well .. Hope you liked the chapter :).

Our Own Summer.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang