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                   Chapter 4, I love you.

• Smut
• Nsfw
• Dirty Talking

~ Nathan's POV ~

I did it. I kissed him. I smiled at the thought of it, I loved it. His lips with mine, our bodies were close. I owe him. I got lost in my thoughts, before I felt a poke on my shoulder. "Nathan?" I heard Aleigha speak.
I greeted them all once I got out of the jail, full of hugs and laughter. I couldn't help but smile at them all. I loved my friends so much.
"Yeah? Sorry.." I said. Worried she knew what me and Kyle did back in the jail. "You seem distracted, do you need someone else to drive?" Aleigha smirked with a wink, noticing the tent forming in my pants.
Oh shit.. He really turned me on that much? Just a simple kiss..
"No, it's alright. Just, thinking.." I managed to get out, looking over at Aleigha then back at the road.
"Ohh okay.." She sounded disappointed. Was she trying to hint at something? Does she know?
"Soo.. What to do now? I'm out of jail, finally, thanks to you all, and it's almost 6:00. What can we do for another 6 hours ?" I asked the other three.
"I'm not sure," Kyle responded,"I know there's a football game tonight, wanna sneak in and watch it?"
"You mean, actually WATCH, watch it?" Dalton said, laugh filling his tone.
"No, dumbass. We can sneak in and do stupid shit, y'know?" Kyle snickered, looking up at me. My eyes tailed back to the road. I was too busy staring at the two idiots arguing.
"Why don't we go? Sneak in, buy a few drinks and snacks, and do some stupid shit around town? How's that sound?" I suggested, with a faint smile.
"I'm down," Dalton smiled, Kyle following the words with a nod. Aleigha and Ken both agreed, so, I guess that's what we were doing.
I didn't really attend high school games or anything when I was younger, maybe once or twice, but it always had some boring outcome. I used to be a 'two-goodie-two-shoes' before I met these idiots. I'm not angry that they've changed me, I'm more so glad they did.
"Alright, we'll do that then. It's set in stone!" I say happily, I was excited to finally hang out with them all at once. It was a good feeling.

~ Time Skip ~

We were at the highschool Football game, it was around 6:30 .. The game was about to start. Me, Ken, Aleigha, Dalton, and Kyle were all sitting on the middle row of the bleachers on the field.
"So, what are we gonna do once the game starts?" Aleigha curiously asked, tilting her head slightly.
"I'm not sure," I looked away,"We can smoke some kush behind the bleachers under the seats?" I said, before meeting eyes with Kyle. His gaze was enough to kill. Once his eyes met mine, he quickly looked away.

Was he starring at me?

I watched as Kyle's cheeks turned red, nervously fiddling with his thumbs. Woah, how was one person so attractive?
"Nathan?" Dalton questioned,"Are you insane?"
"No? It's a good idea, isn't it? Get high below the bleachers?" I chuckled, before I pulled a bag out of my pocket. The others glared at me, like I was some type of nut.
"..Fuck yeah, let's do it." Kyle said, optimistically. I could hear the smile in voice, it was exciting to hear how happy he was about this. Doing a drug underneath the bleachers of a highschool football game?
"Kyle, are you sure about that?" I said, my tone low.
"Fuck yeah I'm sure!" He said, excitedly.
"Alright, come on." I say, getting up as I heard Kyle follow behind. We walk down the bleachers to the underneath of the seats. My heart was racing, I don't know why. I could feel my face getting hotter by the second, my cheeks flushing with red. My breathing got heavier, as we reached the bottom step.
"Sooo.. Where's it at?" Kyle said, looking down at my pockets.
"It's in my pocket," I say pulling out a bag of weed from my pocket,"You sure you wanna smoke this?"
"I'm positive," Kyle adjusts his stance, leaning on the concrete block pillar,"I've always wanted to do this with you.."
"Do what with me Kyle? Smoke weed behind school bleachers?" I snickered, looking up at Kyle with a small smile.
"No you idiot," Kyle said, jumping up onto the concrete pillar with a flat squared surface,"Come here."
I hesitated, looking the boy up and down. I started walking over to him, getting right in front of his legs. I looked up at him, our eyes met. Kyle then signaled for me to come closer as he opened his legs, so I stood between them. Before I knew it, I felt his lips on mine. His hand ran up my shoulders to my hair, softly rubbing it. Shivers went up my body. I never imagined this, never thought this would happen.
"Nngh~.." I overheard Kyle make a noise, he pulled me closer to him. I put my hand on his thighs, running one up to his waist.
"More.." I slightly mumbled.

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