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Chapter 2, How did it end up Like This?

|| Tw: Panic Attacks, Someone being arrested. ||

~ Nathan's POV ~

I was in the drivers seat, I looked to my side, my girlfriend, Aleigha sat beside me, as Dalton and Ken sat in the back. Ken was Dalton's partner. We were on our way to Kyle's house. I always thought of Kyle as a brother to me, he was always such a good friend. He was always there for me in the moments I needed him, which, I was overly thankful for. Kyle was a little dumb sometimes, but it fits his personality just perfect. I checked the time on my phone, it was 12:21 PM, still pretty early.
Dalton put on his casual music, I think it was X, I'm not entirely sure. I think it was the song Look at Me .. The other Two were pouring their hearts out as I just smiled and nodding my head around with them. Ken pulled out her phone and started recording while Dalton did the same. Crazy, I tell you.
We were nearing the road that Kyle lived on, for some reason my heart was racing. I knew he always hated being left out of things, especially in a group of people that have known each other long, and hang out just about every day. He always would text me before hand to not leave him out of things, which I NEVER would. Never.

I jerked on the wheel as we pulled into Kyle's road. I look out the window, recognizing these houses. I used to live in the same road as Kyle, I remember back in 6th when we dated, I told him I had Ravioli and he told me to bring
him some. I deadass would've, but, my parents wouldn't let me. It was a funny moment between us. The reasons as to why we broke up, I don't want to talk about. It was a misunderstanding on my behalf, but we eventually got over it.

Before I knew it, we were at Kyle's house. My heart began racing. I instantly pulled my phone out to spam text him to come outside, he didn't answer the first few times but he eventually did. I saw the door swing open and he ran out. I watched as he walked down to the car, wearing the typical hoodie and sweat pants he always wore. I wondered if that man had any other clothes sometimes. His hair was well done, but, the part was changed? Why was it in a middle part... Strange.

"KYLE , MY MAN." I heard Dalton yell as Kyle sat in the back beside Dalton. The usual thing he always told Kyle each time Dalton saw him, ever since 8th grade.
"HEYY DALTON, and Nathan, and Ken- ANDDD ALEIGHA!!" Kyle seemed to take a liking to Aleigha, which, was a good thing on my behalf. I watched as he fiddled with his thumbs, nervously. I always seemed to notice when he was nervous. Anxiety riddled. I watched as Dalton tapped on his shoulder and asked if he's okay. He nodded his head quickly, it looked like a white lie. Fast, but like he was used to it.

"So.." I spoke. "Where to first?"
"Why don't we go to Mcie.D's?" Dalton spoke. I watched as Aleigha agreed and Ken also shook her head. Kyle nodded quickly before looking back down at his phone.
"Alright, so who's paying?" I asked, laughing along with my sentence.
"The fuck- Nah you payin what you mean?" Dalton said, sounding almost sarcastic but I could tell he was being serious. I turned back to look at the three before saying,"Haha, okay .. I gotchu Ky, don't worry."
He perked his head up when I said his name, assuming he was grateful for the gesture as the smile on his face grew bigger.

As I drove to McDonald's, Dalton blasted his music, but I got tired of hearing the same thing over and over. It was the same music artist, so I eventually took the aux from him. I quickly changed to Spotify and played a song called Rip Roach By X and Ski. I rolled the windows down, the song was very violent. I felt the adrenaline rush in me as everyone was pouring their hearts out. Suddenly, I pushed my foot down on the gas and watched as the speed went up. Quickly. The road was limited to 50 MPH, but I watched as it went over 80 MPH. It kept going up as everyone was singing. It made my adrenaline go up even more. 81... 83... 87... 90... 91... 95...
Oh shit..

I heard sirens.

I watched as a hand from the back seat reached for the song volume. It was quickly turned down, I look back in my mirror to see Dalton screaming.
"SLOW THE FUCK DOWN," Dalton urged me, in a raised tone of voice as Ken added,"I JUST WATCHED A COP PULL OUT!"
"Oh shit.. Fuck," I started panicking. I let off the gas petal, slowly pushing the break. I noticed as my girlfriend started freaking out. She was screaming about their nic, knowing all of us were underage. I looked over at her, attempting to stay calm.
"Give me all your nic, I'll put it somewhere where they won't see it nor suspect it." I gently spoke, lowed in tone. They all handed me their vapes, as I opened a compartment underneath my seat. I shoved their vapes inside as I locked it back, while pulling off to the side near a bank, across the street to a gas station. The cop car slowly headed towards us, eventually parking behind us. I tried to keep my calm while everyone was freaking out. I told them to breathe, as the cop went up to my door. All I heard were knocks on my window. I slowly rolled it down to see an officer, dressed in blue with a pistol to his side.

"Step out the car, please." The officer sounded stern, so I looked at the others while slowly getting out the car, turning off the vehicle, leaving the keys in the ignition. "Hands behind your back, spread your feet sir. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can be held against you."  I followed his commands, standing aside my car as he patted me down. I just look in the window seeing the others talk, obviously freaking out.
"I'm taking you to the back of the car. Are you intoxicated?" The officer asked as I shook my head, responding no. "Anyone else have their license in that vehicle?" I shook my head yes. "Okay," The officer said as I was taken to the police car. "You are being charged with reckless driving and endangerment of others." I cursed underneath my breath knowing this wasn't gonna be good on my record.

Time skip

~ Kyle's POV ~
I watched as Nathan was put in the back of the police car, Aleigha had started crying and freaking out, knowing her boyfriend was arrested. I slumped back in my seat, sighing. The officer eventually came back to the car and stuck his head in the window. "Any of you able to drive? Who has their license?" He spoke low. "I do!" Me and Dalton both shouted at the same time. "I'm driving." I softly spoke, knowing if Dalton drove, he would get himself arrested just like Nathan.
"But the car is badass.. Cmonnnn!" Dalton whined, begging to let him drive the car.
"No, Dalton, you'll get yourself in more trouble than Nathan got himself in. So, I'm driving." I said, sternly.
"Please Ky, Ple-" .. "No." I cut Dalton off, telling the officer I will drive.
"Okay.. Be safe, and have a good rest of your evening." The officer said as he walked away, getting in his car and taking Nathan away. I could tell he was beyond pissed.
I eventually got into the drivers seat as Aleigha moved to the back beside Ken. I started the ignition, pulling off onto the road.

Hhh.. That boy is so dumb.

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