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Chapter 6, What's wrong with me?

~ Daltons POV ~

Last night was definitely something I wouldn't never expect to happen in my life. Went to a football game at our high school, which we of course didn't watch the game, Nathan got arrested- It was definitely eventful .. But what still lingers in the back of my mind is, why has Nathan and Kyle been acting so different since then? Like something happened between them while they were getting high? Or were they even getting high.. I didn't smell no weed or anything when I went down there, but all I saw was those two, hugging, awfully close, and the messy hair... Red faces...
No, don't tell me they-
Okay, yeah maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I decided to text Nathan, just to see what we were gonna do this summer. I don't want this to just be a one time thing, y'know? Hanging out with my friends and my girlfriend, it was nice. Something I definitely never get to do very often.

Hi fuckface

What dickhead

I'm bored, let's go get the others and do something 😒

hmm, who's car are we gonna take because like hell im fucking driving again, not tryna get arrested

LMAO, what'd your parents do about that? I forgot to ask

honestly, i don't wanna talk about it.. good thing they let me off, you fucks saved my ass

Well, Ill call up Ky and hopefully we can take his vehicle and hang or sum


I close out snapchat, going to my phone and called Kyle. Hope to god he picks up.. motherfucker never answers his phone.
I hear rummaging before I hear a voice speak..
"Yo." Kyle spoke, his voice low as if there's someone in the room with him.
"MY MAN, what's good bro?" I speak, low.
"Ahh, nothing much. Hanging around I guess, what about you?" He said in response before a giggle was heard in the back.
I hesitated before speaking,"Nothing, you tryna hang?"
"Ahh, sure. Who's driving and where we going?" Kyle questioned, before a girl spoke to him in the background.
I knew he recently got into a relationship, but the girl lived in Ohio, there's no way she was at his house.
"Well, about that.. Uhm, Ky.. You my man right?" I said, with a small giggle.
"Haha, yeah, why?" He said, laughing.
"Can we uh, take your.. uhm.. A-Aston Martin? And you, drive.. O-Obviously." I stuttered, a lot, I hate asking for things from my friends but none of us can drive, EXCEPT for Kyle.. Well, in this moment anyways.
"Well duh, I'll be at your house in 15, tell whoever else is going Im swinging by, unless they already know." Kyle said before hanging up.
I wonder who was in the room with him? Probably no one, I could've been hearing things. Oh well, I might as well go get ready.

~ Nathan's POV ~

It's been a day since THAT, 'incident' happened. I've been so scared that the others found out, or if DALTON knew. I've noticed how distant I've been with them, I hope they don't think I hate them or anything.
Today, we're supposed to be hanging out, apparently. I'm not sure where or when we're going, but I look forward to it. Kinda hoping it's just me, Dalton, and Kyle .. Y'know, the boys.
Whatever, I'm just gonna go get ready.
I headed downstairs heading for the kitchen. I'm fucking starving. And of course, there's buttfuck nothing to eat, someone in this damn house needs to go to the damn store.
I eventually stormed upstairs with a Pepsi in hand, at least this will keep me distracted.
A few minutes passed as I watched the clock slowly tick by, tick-tock, tick-tock, ugh..
So slow.


My phone went off, I wonder who it was.. I reached for my phone, flipping it over.

™️//ky<3 is typing...
™️//ky<3 sent a chat

I wonder what he wants.
what's up ky

I'm bout to swing by your house, I just picked up Dalton. You want the girls to come or?

why yeah, why not

Alrighty, be there soon

I turned my phone off, my breathing was fast. Before I knew it, I found myself gasping for air. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I breathe? Why was the world spinning? Why? Just why?

panic attack.
how,  fan-fucking-tastic.

But why was I having one? My mind was racing. My thoughts kept eating me alive. I feel so guilty for what I did last night, especially knowing I had a girlfriend. I can't believe she slipped my mind.
Do I really love her?
Or is it a lie.

I can't help myself from overthinking, what if they DID know, and just didn't want to tell me? Knowing what was gonna happen, what relationships would break, how it would fuck up our friendship. I'm trying not to freak out, but right now, I'm very close to bawling my fucking eyes out. I pace around my room, trying to breathe in and out slowly to catch my breath, but I'm failing. I can only feel it getting worse, and worse... and worse.
"Okay Nathan, just breathe.. you're fine. You'll be okay." I repeated to myself, many, many times. To be honest, it only seemed to make matters worse. Before I knew it, I was leaned over on my bed, clenching my chest in pain. I couldn't breathe, everything was spinning. I attempted to get up and walk to the bathroom so I could splash cold water on my face in hopes it would help.
I made it to the bathroom..
Thank god.

I turned the faucet on and turned it to the coldest it could get and cupped my hands, letting the water form a small puddle before splashing it on my face.
"Ugh fuck.. Aghh.." I was gasping every breath. Everything was spinning. What was wrong with me?
I eventually balanced myself and looked up at the mirror. I looked like a mess. My hair was scruffy, my eyes were bagged and watery. I need to take a shower..
I look to the shower handle, and crank it to the hottest it could go. I slowly started to undress myself. Taking off my black shirt, along with my black nike shorts, then my boxers. I stepped into the shower as the hot water hit my skin, the steam stained off me. I looked up, rubbing my face and my eyes.
Im so tired. Im so confused.
What the fuck is wrong with me?

// A/N \\
1115 words! But here we are, Chap 6, woah. Took me a few to update this but, Chap 7 will be here soon! A new person, or maybe a few will be introduced ;)...

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