Chapter 1 -Away from home-

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Y/n's POV:
You and your family were in the car driving to the new town and starting a new life, you don't know what anyone will think of you. You start to over think... what if they think I'm weird.. what if they hate.. what if I do something to make everyone mad at me.. will we have to move again..? I hope not, I need to stop overthinking so much. As you are looking out your window you hear your mother say something. "So y/n are you excited to make new friends and go to that school that you picked out?" You think for a moment a minute later you are about to say something but your brother interrupts you and says "I am, I wonder what my school is going to look like and the new house oh and how many friends I can make in one day." You got used to getting interrupted but this time you were kinda mad that you didn't get to say what you wanted to. "Well honey that's great I'm sure you'll do great and make lots of friends since you are in high school." Your mother says, then she speaks again "but you know I was talking to y/n try to let her speak first but that's great Samuel (that's his name I forgot to tell you and your little sisters name is Naomi) your brother looks at you and then mom "okay mom sorry y/n..." he says. "It's fine" and you fall asleep.
About an hour or two of driving your brother tap's you on the shoulder and wakes you up, "Y/n we are almost there only 10 more minutes till we are at the new house!" "Alright alright I heard you, you don't have to scream-" you say in a tired voice. About 10 minutes later you see a white and light blue house kinda big but not like a mansion but they doesn't matter. your mother parks in front of the house and says "alright everyone we're here." You look back to see a group of girls walking to what seems to be a temple/house (not trying to be rude mei's house is cool!) you sigh in relief and think to yourself ~at least I might be able to make friends here i mean I hope- You wake up your little sister by tapping her lightly and saying "hey Naomi we are hear try to wake up ok?" She gives you a light smile and hugs you, you then get her out of her car sit and carry her inside and then put her down, As you look around your eyes lit up because the house was really cool. "Woah" your brother says "ikr" you reply to him you start walking around and your mother tells you two to go pick your rooms your brother lets you have the bigger room because he doesn't have that much stuff, although you feel selfish doing so you agree to take the bigger room. You put your boxes down and start unpacking about an hour later your room looks real cool.
Just a moment later you hear your mother yell "y/n! We have some guests here to meet you!" "Huh- to meet me? That's new." You go down the stairs and see a girl with short black hair and a red and pinkish sweater, "hi your y/n right everyone heard that a new family is coming to the town your mother told me your name I just wanted to meet you!" She smiles at you. You smile back and say "yep that's me hehe- nice to meet you" you hold your hand out waiting for her to shake hands with you. She shakes your hand and says " nice to meet you too uh i know this is kinda sudden but do you want to hang out with me and my friends?" "Yeah that sounds like fun!" You look at your mother and she lets oh a soft sigh and give you a warm smile saying "yes you may but be back at 8:00, 8:25 at the latest ok?" "Ok mom ty love you bye"
You and you new friend walk out. "I'm Meilin Lee, mei for short" she says to you "y/n. Y/n/l/n" you replied "that's a pretty name!" "Ty!" You smile you two continue walking for a few more minutes and you get to this park and see a group of girls around your age "guys!" Mei says They look back at you two and start running up to hug mei "hey girl" they all say then mei says "guys this is the new girl she is really cool I wanted you to meet her! Her name is y/n" they look at you and smile saying "nice to meet you y/n that name it really pretty!" "This is Miriam, Priya and Abby" she points to each one saying a little an them you say "cool nice to meet you guys!" You guys hang out for an hour or two and it's 7:30 you have 30 minutes left to hang out so you guys decide to go to the store you have $20 and they have there money.
You guys walk to this store called -Daisy mart- you guys walk inside and you get a few snacks and a drink just as you were about you check out mei asks you "so y/n what such are you going to?" "Oh I'm going to ___." (Idk the school name sorry-) "really omg same well we better get going let's walk home" "mhm" you guys walk to your house they are only 1 block away from each other you guys say bye to each other and you go inside it's 7:57, 3 minutes to spare you yell "mom I'm home!" "Just in time young lady I just got done with dinner, come sit down and eat you must be hungry!" You weren't hbu but you didn't want to waste food so you eat a little and give the rest to your brother who was very hungry- you ask if you can go to bed now after washing your dish. "Yes you may goodnight y/n" "goodnight" you say to all of your family and go up stairs and go to your room. You sigh and lay down in your bed and fall fast asleep~

Alright guys that's the end of this chapter I hoped you guys enjoyed it ty for reading it and I'll update it in a little bit, Yay you make some new friends next chapter is going to skip to your first day of school! Don't forget to eat drink lots of water!<3
-Word count: 1080 woah..-

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