Is anybody else getting deja vu right now?

Start from the beginning

"Oh and do you see those two boys over there?" Antonia asked, pointing at two boys that looked around 8 and 13. You and Camilo both nodded.

"The younger one is Dax, Dolores and Mariano's youngest, and the older one is Ender who is Mirabel's youngest." Antonia explained.

"Ender's power is illusion, he can make you think anything is real or fake." Antonia continued. "Meanwhile Dax has the gift of flight."

"Oh and Emilia- the girl holding the toddler, her power is AWSOME!" Leah chipped in. "She can control your mind and stuff like that!"

"What do you mean by stuff like that?" Isabela asked. "She can possess people and control their thoughts and even erase memories!" Leah said with a grin.

"That's a little concerning." Adela mumbled. "This is a whole lot of information." Cam murmured, glancing at Carlos then at Cara.

"Well I'll let you all... process that.. and we'll get building with the rest of the town." Antonia said with a smile. You all turned to see the town walking up the hill and you sighed.

"Guys can we just... walk around to the back of the house for a moment?" You asked. Everyone nodded and you all navigated your way through the rubble to behind the wreckage.

"Wait a minute." You said, stopping Camilo in his footsteps. "Why would I name my kid after my brother?" You asked him.

"I dunno, you should probably ask." Camilo replied, brushing some dust off of his ruana. You nodded. "You go talk with them I'll be right back." You said.

"He quick!" He called as you went back towards your future kids. You tapped Marcos on the shoulder and he turned around to face you.

"Hola... should I call you Mama?" He said uncertainly. "Y/n is fine for now." You replied with a smile. "Cool.. anyways what did you need?" He asked.

"I was wondering why I named you Marcos?" You asked. "I thought you'd found him already.." Marcos mumbled. Antonia turned around, having overheard the conversation.

She walked up beside her twin and looked at you. "You named him after Marcos, your brother, because he never got out of Casita when it collapsed." Marcos said.

Your hand flew up to cover your mouth and tears spring to your eyes in realisation. You fled over to where the room would have been located that Marcos had been kept in.

You fought back more tears as you started to throw aside piles of stone. You suddenly noticed a dusty shoe that was attached to a leg poking out from underneath a broken wall.

You ran over to it and pulled at the door desperately. You fell back, pulling out the body from under the pile.

Or what you'd thought was the body.

You screamed as you threw the amputated leg in your hands and scrambled backwards. Camilo suddenly came running over and he looked at you then at the leg.

"Who's leg was that!?" He yelled in shock. "My brothers." You replied, an expression of pure horror still on your face. Camilo jogged closer and crouched down in front of you.

"Hey, come on, hop up, you need to take your mind off it." Camilo said softly, brushing a piece of hair off your face. You let him help you to your feet and lead you away to the rest of the group.

You ended up standing between Camilo and Mirabel as you zoned out. "I'm having children!?" Cara asked the group in shock.

"A girl!? And she's cool! But who was I having with it again?" She asked. "I dunno your daughter only got Ca in before she was interrupted." Luisa said with a shrug.

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