Wanting to be more

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(Welcome back also oh my god the story is in 3rd place under the Camilo Madrigal hashtag! Lord I'm so happy right now! You're all so precious, thank you for getting me here!)

(Now enjoy the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote!!)

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You opened your eyes and stared forward. "Camilo, I wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend..." You said. "I know this may be kind of weird coming from me but I really like you and I know there's something between us, I just want to make it real."

You waited before groaning and flopping back onto your bed, ripping your eyes away from your mirror. "This is hopeless, he'll never say yes." You whined into your pillow.

You stood back up and stretched your arms up above your head. "Okay well time to go blackmail Dolores into keeping her mouth shut." You sighed and you opened a portal to where Dolores was sitting with Mariano.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything." Dolores said and you nodded in thanks. "Well I'm going to go talk to Mirabel." You said and she smiled. "I'll be listening!" She said and you scrunched up your nose with a disturbed smile. "I'm just kidding, I'll try focus on something else." She said and you let out a relieved sigh.

"Okay thanks, bye Dolores." You said. "Oh and uh, bye Mariano." You added and he smiled at you. You stepped back through the portal and closed it. You opened a new one to Mirabel's room where she was sewing a small flower onto her skirt.

"Jeez, don't you already have enough on that?" You asked and she grinned. "Nope!" She replied, putting down the needle and cutting and tying the wool quickly. You smiled and sat down on the bed next to her.

"Hey me and Camilo thought it'd be a cool idea to have a sleep over in your mirror tonight!" Mirabel said and you nodded slowly. "The one that brings me to where I want to be?" You asked and Mirabel nodded. "That's a good idea!" You agreed and she beamed.

"Great I'll go tell Camilo!" Mirabel said, jumping up and running off. You sighed and put your head in your hands. This was not how this conversation was meant to go. Mirabel and Camilo came back in and you instantly turned invisible.

"Uh Y/n... you okay?" Camilo asked and you turned visible again with a nervous laugh. "Yeah obviously !" You replied and he smiled but you could see the hint of worry in his expression. "I'm fine, I promise!" You said and he nodded still looking uncertain.

"Hey dinner is in a couple hours so what should we do until then!?" Mirabel asked and you smiled. "We should go into my mirror!" You said and Camilo cheered in agreement. You all raced out of Mirabel's room and over to your door. You all went inside and through to your third mirror.

You walked through and Camilo grabbed your hand as you walked. You blushed and as you walked through to the other side you appeared in the flower field. You turned invisible to hide your embarrassment.

"Y/n why are we here?" Mirabel asked and you sighed. "I don't know." You replied and Camilo looked towards you even though you were invisible. He could tell where you were because he was still holding your hand and you looked back at him even though he couldn't see you.

"Y/n..." He started but you cut him off by pressing an invisible hand up to his mouth. "Let's go to my stuff room!" You interrupted, referring to your second mirror full of mountains of objects.

"I looked through it during my training and found a bunch of weird stuff, like a small door that when you open it you can see into a weird small room an old lady lives in!" You said and Mirabel's eyes sparkled in interest.

"I want to see!" She squealed and you turned visible again. "Good let's go!" You said, pulling Camilo through the mirror. You all walked through the second mirror into your stuff room. Mirabel looked around in awe, having never seen this room before.

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