Happy Mistakes

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(I hope you enjoy the chapter and please remember to leave a vote!)
(I also want to let you know that I'm still taking suggestions so don't be shy to leave a comment with your ideas for the story!)

You looked up and cleared your throat again.

"Excuse me. May I please have your attention!" You yelled and everyone looked at you. You looked at Camilo, making brief eye contact with him before sighing.

"Please somebody stab me before I can do this." You muttered under your breath. "If you suggest I dance... I suggest yes." You said.

Camilo's eyebrows went up and you took a step forward. You took a moment but eventually shape shifted into Camilo.

You spun around clumsily before transforming back into yourself and somehow your dancing got even worse as you spun and wiggled around the room.

You finally came to a stop and bowed. "I'm sorry." You said with a hopeful smile. Camilo started to clap and everyone else joined in uncertainly.

When the clapping died down Camilo walked over to you and took a few steps away. You reached up your hand and hesitated slightly before wiping some of the dry blood off of his mouth.

Luisa and Julieta had already healed his cuts which was good and you laughed in relief. Camilo smiled. "You know, it's very entertaining to watch you dance Mi Amor but maybe never to do in public again." He said and you smiled, feeling small pricks of relieved tears come into your eyes.

Camilo and you hugged each other and you turned to look at Cara who still had her dislocated shoulder since Julieta hadn't healed her yet. She was sitting down on a chair next to the place on the floor that Ben was laid down.

"Thank you so much, I'm sorry." You said, walking over to her. She pursed her lips before sighing. "It's okay, maybe I over reacted a bit back there." Cara said.

Julieta handed her an arepa that Luisa had handed to her. It was slightly burnt since Luisa was an inexperienced baker but it was still pretty good. Cara took a bite and you watched as her shoulder popped back to place and her cuts healed up.

"You should really visit me more often, you had at least 30 cuts from over the last month." Julieta said to Cara who smiled sheepishly. "I'll try." She replied.

You saw that Mirabel was now holding the miracle in her hands gently and you approached her. "Thank you too." You said and she smiled. "No need to thank me for anything!" She said.

Suddenly a terrible crack sounded out and everyone slowly looks down to see Mirabel holding the broken fragment of the candle.

"Oh sugar." Julieta mumbled. "I was not cut out for super strength." Mirabel squeaked. A fearful strike of lighting rang out from Isabela and you all jumped in shock.

You all looked around, expecting cracks to start appearing over Casita but nothing happened. You all looked down at the candle and suddenly two golden butterflies flitted out from the tiny flame still flickering.

You watched them and Mirabel had a hopeful look on her face as though she knew that these butterflies  should be able to help.

You watched as they flitted around you all before they both landed in the middle of you. They flashed a bit brighter, making you shield your eyes and when you looked back you saw two shimmering, golden figures standing there together.

Julieta covered her mouth with her hands and you noticed tears coming to her eyes. There was one man and one woman that had come from the butterflies and they were both rather young.

You could recognise them both and you frowned, trying to think. You suddenly remembered the man from a framed photo hanging next to the stair case.

And you couldn't place your finger on the woman but you had a hunch as to who it may be. They both walked forwards and placed their hands over the broken candle.

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