A baker, an artist, an author and.... Her.

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Okay I decided to do the rest of the character design AFTER this chapter because I lost my fine liner :,)

(So I hope you enjoy this chapter because I know I enjoyed writing it and don't forget to leave a vote!!)

You went back to the game of snakes and ladders but Isabela was just scowling as Mirabel stomped off. "SORE LOSER!" Isabela yelled. "Oh, cállate, estúpido cerdo verrugoso!!" Mirabel yelled back.

["Oh, shut up you stupid wart hog!!"]

Both girls scoffed at the same time and whisked themselves away to their rooms. "Well I'm going to go now." Luisa said with a smile and a wave before she got up and left.

"Oh great, that leaves us." You muttered and both Camilo and Carlos just shrugged. "I was actually wondering if you guys could help me walk down to Julieta's stall at the market." Carlos said.

"I can't really see." He added when we remained silent. "He tried to slide his piece down a snake but ended up sliding down Mirabel's arm." Camilo said and you laughed, only a little disappointed you'd missed it.

"Okay we can bring you down to the market, besides there's a new stall I wanted to visit." You said with a smile and Camilo smiled at you. "Cool, thanks for being so understanding." Carlos said as you opened a portal down to the market.

"I could've dropped you right onto Julieta's lap but I decided to be nice for her sake." You said and Carlos laughed nervously. You all walked through your portal and you shut it behind you.

Julieta sighed when she saw Carlos and handed him an arepa. He took it and took a bit with an instant look of relief on his face.

"Hey Y/n, I wanted to bring you somewhere." Camilo suddenly said, taking your hand. "I wanted to check out a stall but we can go to your place right after, okay!" You said with a smile and he nodded.

Carlos smiled awkwardly from the side and followed you both as you walked through the market. You looked around and saw the empty stall. You supposed it was closed but you still went up just in case.

You frowned as you heard a bang and a groan.  Suddenly a girl the same age as you popped her head up, clutching her forehead with a grimace. She had faded red dye in her hair and it was cut to shoulders length.

It wasn't styled and sat, half curly, half straight on her head. She had plain green/ blue eyes and full lips. She stood up and dusted off her shorts with a scowl.

"Hello!" You said and the girl looked up in surprise, having not noticed you before. "Oh hello how can I help you!?" She asked with a forced smile.

"I was just wondering if you were still selling your last book." You said and the girl's eyes sparkled as she nodded. She reached below the stall counter top and retrieved a book.

"Here you are!" She said, handing you the book. "Uh sorry, what's your name again?" You asked and the girl smiled, holding out her hand. "I'm Cara!" She said and you shook her hand.

You were glad to finally see another girl wearing something other than a skirt or dress too. She instead wore a plain, dirty, white, button up top and dark brown shorts. She had dark bags under her eyes letting you know she mustn't sleep often.

She had unusual black boots with thick soles and she had a green bag hanging up on the post of her stall. She had bundles of pencils and pens stuffed into her pockets and a brown notebook was poking out of her bag. She hadn't done up some of the buttons in her shirt, revealing a faded green vest underneath.

"Uh excuse me, you've been standing there for a while and I didn't want to interrupt but I do want to buy a book." A guy from behind you said, tapping your shoulder.

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