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Hi! I'm the author, these are some quick tips to make sure you understand!



"Phone call"




Ring - Ring

Ring - Ring

Ring - Ring

'Hmm Eren isn't picking up.'

"You alright Bert?" Reiner said from the seat infront of him.

"Eren isn't picking up..."

Reiner laid back in his seat and sighed

"Who cares."

Bertholdt's head turned away from the phone and looked at Reiner's laidback expression. Reiner sat with his head tilted back, his arms on the tops of the sofa with his hands hanging down. His legs were quiet spread too.

"Who cares...?"

Bertholdt spoke in a whispery voice. 'Who cares...' it repeated in his head. Looks like Bertholdt is reaching his limit. He's never really ever been a leader, always a follower this one.

"Yeah, who cares. Porco doesn't care, none of us care. Hell, not even Zeke cares! And why should we? Not our problem, not our mess, not our life. So yeah, who cares."

He spoke in a know-it-all-voice like he had been reciting this line over and over again waiting for this moment.

'Who cares. Right... who does care? Why am I the only that cares. Wait, do I care? Why, why do I care? It's just as Reiner says. Who cares, so why me. Why am I always the one who cares. Why can't I just like everyone else and follow the crowd! Damn it bert why! Why?! Why me, why only me.'

Sweat began to drip down bertholdt's forehead. His thoughts must really be heating his head up. He didn't know what to do anymore. He doesn't know. And as any good follower would, he followed.

"Y-yeah... Who cares."

Reiner tilted his head up for the first time. He put his fingers into finger guns and pretended to shoot Bertholdt. Closing one eye to aim.

"Pew pew! Haha! Now that's the spirit man! I knew you had it in you not to stick to that low-life anymore."

But Bertholdt didn't laugh. He didn't do anything really. He just sat there and stared at his feet. This new mindset is taking its time imprinting on Bertholdt. Reiner came around the small table that separated the two small couches, and swung his arm around bert.

"Cmon now, we better get ready for the party!"

This seemed to snap Bertholdt out of his thoughts, as he whipped his head around sweat falling off his head, as he did.

"Wait what party?!"

Reiner gave him a shocked look.

"Don't tell me you forgot? It's the date we all became friends dummy!"

'How could I forget? That was one of my fondest memories.'

He thought.

"Who's invited?"

Reiner chuckled a bit before responding.

"Gosh your so dumb Bert. Porco, Marcel, Colt, Annie, Me, you and Pieck! Zeke was invited too but he's probably too busy to come and hang with us."

Reiner fake sniffed at the last part, pretending to be sad.

"Why isn't Eren going? Wasn't he there the day we all met too? And why is Pieck going when she wasn't there?"

Reiner looked shocked at Bertholdt's question. I guess he never expected to be interrogated by him. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Well...Ya know. The couple kinda want their privacy! And they don't want Eren to ruin it. And if no one there likes Eren then what's the point in inviting him! Right?"

"That's true..."

"See I'm always right!"





"Eren! I'm outside!"

Falco knocked more only to be responded with nothing but silence. His knuckles were getting red from knocking on the hard wooden door so much.

"It's me falco!"

He sighed as he was again responded with nothing.

"God where is here?!"

Falco kicked the door in frustration. It made a thud type of noise when his foot met the wood. He was mad for another second before he got an idea.

'I can just go around back!'

And that's exactly what he did. He walked up to the tiny wooden fence that circled the house. It was dark wood with moss growing on some of them. No one ever really went into the backyard and it showed.

As he peeked over the fence he could see that moss covered the grass area and started to grow onto the deck too. The deck was also made out of dark wood that look damp, and breaking apart.

Falco easily hopped over the fence. It was only about 3 feet tall.

He made a noise of letting out his breathe and wiping his forehead. After he regained his little breathe from hopping the fence he took a look around.

First he inspected the back door which had also been locked for he had jiggle and pulled it many times.

Chirp chirp!

Falco looked up, and in a tree was a little white bird. It seemed to be looking at something. He followed the little bird's eyes and it led him to an opened window. The bird kept chirping at the window.

"Oh that must be eren's room! Eren! Eren! I'm down here! It's falco! Can you come open the door!"

Falco yelled putting his hand on each side of his mouth like he was cupping the noise. No response came.


Falco began to become worried. 'What if he's hurt! I better go check.'

He walked over to the tree that the bird was sitting on. Placing a hand on the trunk he thought he could climb it. It didn't seem that big after all.

But oh boy was he wrong.

"It's ok! It's ok! It isn't that far down! If I fall I'll definitely live! We are Ay-Okay! Haha! We're fine! It's all good! Mmhmm!" Falco panted between words. He tried to trick himself into thinking that everything would be fine.

In reality falco is very much afraid of heights and climbing this tree wasn't the brightest idea. But he needed to see if Eren was ok! Falco clutched the branch he was holding onto for support.

He looked up to see that the bird was only a couple of branched above him.

"Ok all I need to do is make it high enough to see into eren's room!"

He paused and it dawned on him how creepy he just sounded, and probably looks right now! I can't believe it's come to this...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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