The big news

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Eren stirred in bed. He turned around intending to cuddle into Porco's side who was usually next to him. Eren felt around for porco with, he wasn't there.

'What the' Eren thought as he slowly opened his eyes. Before him were some messed up sheets but no porco. With this he finally stood sat up. He started to feel down, his husband hadn't been paying much attention to him lately.

'Maybe he's making us breakfast' He thought as a smile spread across his face. He quickly jumped out of the covers and rushed to the kitchen.

As he turned the corner he imagined Porco flipping some pancakes and frying some bacon. No one was there. Porco wasn't there frying the bacon, or flipping any pancakes. The kitchen was silent and lonely as he stood there.

"Where is he..."
Eren started to worry a little and thought the worst.

"What if he was kidnapped?! No... I would've heard! What if he went out to get breakfast and was killed?!"

Eren paced the kitchen just thinking about what could happen to porco. His breathing got heavier as he thought more. He was about to try to call Reiner or Marcel when he spotted a note on the kitchen table.

It read, 'Went out with friends, I'll be back late don't wait for me'

"Oh thank god... I thought you got killed?!"

Eren spoke to a note knowing that it couldn't understand him, but something deep in his heart he felt sad. He missed porco.

Porco hadn't been around lately. He's usually "out with friends" or "working late" Eren just wants to spend some time with Porco.

Well, it can't be helped. What could he do after all? Maybe tonight he can plan a date with Porco so they can finally get some alone time, but for now he'll just have to wait.

Eren walked to the phone and started to dial a number. It rang 3 times before someone picked up.


Oh great it's Marcel. Marcel never liked Eren and Eren didn't know why. Every time he tried to make small talk or even ask him something he would roll his eyes or give a quick response and go away.

"Hi, is Bert there?"

Eren heard a scoff on the other line. Seems Marcel wasn't happy to be talking to him either.

"Yeah one sec I'll get him."


Marcel walks towards the couch where Bertholdt and Annie were sitting.

"Eren's on the line he wants to talk to you."

"Oh Eren?" Bertholdt responded, "do you know what he wants?"

"Nah he didn't say anything just asked if you were there."

Marcel signaled to the phone that was on a small table near the door. It was a old fashioned ring dial phone.

Reluctantly Bertholdt got up and walked towards the phone picking it up.

"Hello? Eren?"

"Heyyy bert! How are you?"

"I'm good, did you need anything?"

"Porco's out with some friends today and I'm super lonely. Wanna hang out today? Maybe we could get some coffee or check out the new restaurant at the corner-"

Before he could finish Bert cut him off.

"I'm already hanging out with some friends right now."

He said a little too quickly. There was a moment of silence on the other end.

"Ok...? Well then uh do you know where Porco is?"


Again Bert responded a little too quick WIFH not much certainty in his voice.

"Well do you know who he's with? Maybe I should give them a call-"

"No dont!"

Eren was weirded out, Bert was acting so weird today. Why's he getting so defensive over this?

"I mean, it's ok don't bother them."

"Who's them?"

Eren started to get a little suspicious.

"Ok bye Eren."

"Hey wait I'm not done-"


Bert had hung up the phone before Eren could finish.

"What did Eren want?"

Marcel yelled from the living room.

"He wanted to ask if I could hang out today, and where Porco was and who he was with."

Marcel groaned

"Oh my god Eren is so fucking clingy."

"H-he is?"

Bert stuttered when he asked.

"Bert are you blind?"

Annie finally spoke up.

"Do you really think he wants to hang out with you? Or did he just wanna know where Porco was?"

Marcel hummed in agreement.

"But what if he actually wanted to hang out..."

"Bert he doesn't care he just wants attention, anyone's attention at this point."

Marcel snorted at Annie's retort. Bert sat down seeming to be trying to process everything.

"I've been telling Porco for forever to just dump him, he's so clingy that he has to know where Porco is 24/7!"

Marcel sang as he kicked his legs up onto a coffee table separating the two couches.

"B-but what if he's just worried?"

"Who cares! Even Porco is starting to see how clingy he is! That's why he's been going out with Pieck."

Marcel chuckled as he ended his sentence.

"Wait he's dating pieck?"

Bert was shocked, he didn't know that Porco was that type of guy.

"You didn't know?"

Annie asked.

"It seems everyone knows except for Eren."

"Yeppp they've been banging for months now." 

Marcel yawned.

"For months..."

Bert repeated.

"B-but I don't think Eren is clingy!"

"Bert,"  Annie said sternly, "how would you feel if someone was asking where you were all the time."

Bert thought for a moment then responded.

"W-well I would feel happy that someone cares!"

"your hopeless."

"I'm gonna have to agree with Annie on this one." 

Marcel said as rubbed his temples.

They sat in silence for a little until Bert finally spoke up.

"Does zeke know...."

"Yeah, he just doesn't care right now. The mans got so many problems on his hands already."

"That's horrible..."

Bert spoke under his breathe.

"Horrible?! Bert are you hearing yourself right now? Eren is so fucking annoying, I feel bad that Porco has to deal with his nonsense every day."

Annie hummed in agreement, while Bert stayed quiet.

Lost In Paradise Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora