Blood sweat and tears

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"Phone call"





Eren placed the phone back onto its stand.
'So Bertholdt wants to go out and eat at the new restaurant at the corner.' Eren's face was plain with no expression. His eyelids droopy as his eye bags grew heavier.

"I wonder what he could want." He spoke again before slowly walking away from the small table. As Eren made his way to the stairs he saw that the blinds to a window in the kitchen hadn't been shut.

These few days the sunlight and the sky has been bothering his vision. The light hurt his eyes.

He shut the blinds with a swish, and just like that he made his way back up the stairs and into his room.


The door made constant sounds now. Maybe he just hadn't noticed it before, but the house was super noisy. When no new sounds full the air he finally moves the rest of his body inward into the room.

It was a mess, clothes scattered on the floor, wrappers and forgotten mail laid on the ground. It looked like a pigsty, and he knew it. He just didn't care anymore.

'Ill clean it when porco comes home. I don't feel motivated enough to do anything anymore.'

He thought, but a little something lingered down below.

He couldn't stand the sight of the room. All the junk everywhere, he hated it. He hated how he would constantly wake up vomiting. He hated how Porco's side of the bed was always empty. He hated how he looked in the mirror. It looks like he gained a couple of pounds.

He closed his eyes and jerked his head at the sight of the dirty room. 'It never used to look like this when porco was here.' But what could he do. Porco wasn't here and he didn't think he would be coming back until tomorrow or the next day.

With shut eyes he made his way to the bed, feeling around for the sheets he hopped in. He pulled the sheets just above his eyebrows and reopened his eyes.

It was dark, and he liked it. He liked how he could hear nothing but the occasional fabric moving due to his breathe. He has been finding comfort in just laying in bed all day. Since if he tried to do anything his stomach region would start to ache.

'I should really go get checked out by a doctor' he thought before drifting off to sleep.


A sliver of light beamed on eren's eyes. A warm breeze blew through the room, picking up his long hair and drafting it across his face. Birds chirped on the tree outside the window.

'What the...' Eren's eyes began to open at all the noises.

He sat up fully before stretching his arms above his head.


He released a tired groan. As he sat he blinked and blinked trying to get rid of the blurriness of his surroundings. When his vision finally cleared he looked around, looking for the source of all this noise.

His eyes landed on an opened window. The thing veil like curtains flowed outward carrying the breeze.

"So that's what it is..."

Eren began to shift in the bed in an attempt to get up. As soon as his foot hit the ground he let out a pained yelp.

"Ouch! Fuck!"

Pain spread from his foot to his whole body. When he looked down under his food was a picture. A picture of him and porco eating at a fancy restaurant on their first anniversary.

The glass cover was shattered with small traces of blood on some sharp fragments.

"Fuck!" Eren exclaimed. This was the last thing he needed, and just when he woke up too.

Lifting up his foot he examined the small fragment of glass that was in his heel. The blood made him nauseous. Blood always had made him queasy, he doesn't like the smell of it, the look of it, or the taste. It's all just a big Nope for him!

After staring at it for a good minute he lowered his hand to take it out. Once his finger touched the glass.

"Fucking hell?!" He yelled at the pain. Even with just a small wiggle of the glass it felt like he was being stabbed.

"Just hot far did this fucker go in?!" Eren cussed and cussed at the piece of glass in his foot.

After some more jabbering about how much it hurt he finally made a decision.

"Ok ok we got this. All I have to do is pull it out, whoosh and then it'll alllll be done! And I'll be ay-ok!" He sang in an fake optimism as he closed his eyes and pretended not to care that his hand was traveling down to the glass shard again.

When the tip of his finger touched it his eyes twitched open.

'It's ok, it's ok, just on the count of three! And it'll be over. And I'll be happy!'

Eren closed his eyes again and got a good grip on that sharp fucker.

"1, 2, 3!"



The glass made a clinking noise as it fell to the floor. He cradled his foot spewing even more cuss words out.

"Woah what the fuck!"

The glass shard been 10 times longer than he had thought it was. About the size of his thumb.

'This went in my heel...'

The thought alone nauseated him.


He gagged. He gagged over and over again, but since he hadn't eaten anything for a while, no vomit came out.

The more he gagged the drier his throat became. His throat felt like sandpaper.


A liquid dripped from his face and onto the floor.

'What is that... Am I crying? Is that saliva? What the hell...'

That was the last thought he could get out before a thud took place.


He passed out. Eren had passed out, lonely, in his messy room, with blood on the floor, in a house no one but him has been in all day.

And to answer his question, it was sweat.

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