I finished her back and moved back to my spot she rolled over and squinted looking at. "I love you." She says and I smiled. "I love you too." She made a grabby hand so I reached out and she held onto it before closing her eyes. A few seconds later she was asleep her pout slightly parted and her breathing soft. I rub my thumb across the back of her hand as I held on to it.

"Mrs and Mrs Whipped? Are you home? I let myself in." Aubrey called. I look over to the house and she was waving smiling brightly. "Hello. Your favourite person ever is here." "Hey." I greet sitting up still holding Nell's hand not wanting to disturb her sleep. "Aww baby's sleeping." She pouts sitting beside me we were both now facing Nell. "She's been working a lot recently." "Yeah I heard Chanel have stolen her from your sisters." "She's still loyal to them but they want her to excel and she was so excited when she got the letter." She smiled. 

We sat and spoke for a while having our weekly catch up. And then she got bored and leant forward slapping Nell's little butt. "Hi Aubrey." Nell mumbled letting go of my hand and facing the other way. "Aww you knows me just from my butt tap." "Or maybe you're the only one brave enough to slap her butt in front of her wife." "Or maybe she loves me." "Doubt it." She scoffed. "Nelly Bear tell her you love me." "Love you." She mumbled still trying to get the last bit of sleep in before dinner with her mum tonight.

She eventually sat up and joined in with us before I reminded her that she should go get ready. She complained. Aubrey told her to ditch and scolded both of them for cooking up a plan and sent Nell upstairs.

Nell came back out like an hour later completely transformed. She was wearing one of my dresses she had down her make-up and her hair which was rare unless I did it for her because she hated to sit still for too long without something to do. Award shows for her are the worst, I have to sit and play thumb wars with her or rate everyone's outfits which is actually kind of fun.

"Do I look okay?" "Stunning," I say standing up and wrapping my arms around her neck pecking her lips lightly not wanting to mess her makeup up. "Get a girl that can do both," Aubrey says impressed but still teasing. Nell looked over at her. "I'm just saying you can go from beach teen to Classy wife in the space of an hour. It's like a talent." "It's a dress." "You're fucking howt." She says at this point Nelly was over Aubrey being Aubrey so she looked at me knowing if she continued to get more outlandish with her response. "I'm taking the car, I'll be home by 11." She kissed my cheek ignoring Aubrey. "I'll be waiting up my love." Aubrey said. "Have my pj's waiting." Nell winked before leaving. "I'm sleeping with your girlfriend tonight." I pushed my palm against her forehead and she fell back on the sun bed. "You could have just told me to shut up." "When I have you ever listened?" "Maybe this would be the moment I did." "Oh please." I rolled my eyes before noticing Nell was coming back over. "Do you want me to bring you dinner home?" She asked I nodded. "Surprise me."okay,princess." I smiled at her and blew her a kiss. She scrunched her nose up a gesture of endearment between the two of us.

"Shes beautiful though, Liz," Aubrey says giving up on the teasing. "So breathtaking," I say still watching my Angel walk inside our home. "How did you get that?" "I'm not that bad." I fake me being offended knowing she was just teasing me it's who she is.


"How's dinner?" Nell says standing in the bathroom washing her face whilst I sat on our bed eating the food she brought home for me. she always picked just what I wanted every time. "It's good." "Good." She was still doing her skincare.

"How was dinner with your mum?" "It was nice. We went to that new place that just opened in Hollywood." The thing about being in LA means we can travel around California to different places so we're not just stuck in one place. Like Nell and I lived in other parts of the state her in Malibu me and Beverley Park she went from here to Hollywood for dinner tonight given it was a long drive but still. I liked that we could essentially go to different places without actually leaving home.

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