Chapter 33: Plans of Departure

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The next 3 days seemed like a never-ending hell. 11th and 12th Harbinger almost became strangers again.

Charlotte would leave for work early in the morning, while the young man was still asleep. When Childe would return, he'd usually find his friend sleeping. Not wanting to interrupt each other, they didn't talk.

During the days, Zanni would spend her time in the office, taking care of the paperwork she received from the Fatui. Despite being distracted by various thoughts of current events, she would still work, but her energy has been running low lately too. She even wrote a letter back to Snezhnaya, asking for some time off.

Today was the day when she finally got a reply.

"I reviewed your reports on the mission you were sent to. Information you have gathered for me about the Traveler will be useful, even if it's not that much. For this being your first mission, it was a success. Good job, Zanni, the Last Shadow. I allow you to take a week off. – Cryo Archon, the Tsaritsa." Harbinger read the letter out loud.

There was a pause of silence before her agent Viktor, who was keeping her company daily now, found the right words for his reply.

"Will you be heading back to Snezhnaya?" he asked.

Charlotte sighed, putting the letter down.

As soon as he would leave home, her specific colleague would spend the entire time with the Traveler. Be it fighting, going on expeditions dispatched by adventurer's guild together, or just doing their commissions... Zanni couldn't help but feel like Childe didn't need her anymore...

Going back to Snezhnaya would mean she'll be coming back to the land where they first met. Thoughts about him would not leave her alone.

"I guess... I will stay here... In Liyue... But I will leave the harbor for a while..."

Viktor once again stayed silent for a bit.

"Zanni, is everything okay?" he asked, a worried note in his voice. "You haven't been like yourself lately... Is something bothering you? It's my duty as your agent to take care of it if needed."

Charlotte's been staring at one dot, her messy thoughts running through her head. Sighing, she crossed her arms on her desk, leaning her head on them.

"I sincerely apologize, Viktor... I'm just... really tired..." she said as she closed her eyes.

Agent watched her trying to relax, having nothing to say himself. Deep down he knew it wasn't just tiredness caused by her Harbinger job. It was something far greater.

And he wasn't wrong.

"Just... Remember you have me if you need someone to talk to. All you need to do is call out my name."

The blonde man disappeared, leaving a cloud of smoke behind like any other agent did. Charlotte sighed again before straightening her back.

Girl suddenly remembered – it's July 19th today, which means Childe's birthday tomorrow. It was early evening now, meaning the order she placed in Liyue's local blacksmith should be ready.

She left her office, taking a stroll down the main street. The harbor of contracts truly looked glorious in the setting sun rays. Enjoying the gentle breeze, she soon reached the blacksmith, claiming the order and paying the full, generous sum that she promised.

On her way back to Northland bank, she stopped at Wanmin restaurant to enjoy dinner. Chef Xiangling, the teenage girl and the daughter of restaurant owner, was ready to offer at least 5 different meals for Zanni to try out. 12th Harbinger wasn't sure if she knew about her real identity but kept it secret just in case anyway.

After an amazing dinner and with a full stomach, Charlotte returned to the Northland bank, to the shared apartments. As expected – Childe was nowhere in sight, probably busy with some commissions that Traveler received from Adventurer's guild.

Walking to her room and closing the door behind herself, she looked at the big package she took from the blacksmith today. Girl really hoped her friend will like it. Blacksmith already showed her this item once – even at the prototype state, it looked amazing.

The rest of the evening, she spent packing her stuff. She didn't have much clothing nor any other items, so in the end, she managed to fill up only 1 small suitcase.

Sighing, she laid down in bed, looking at her ceiling. 12th Harbinger wasn't sure if she was making the right choice just leaving like that. Will Childe really be okay without her?

He has Lumine now... He probably will...

With that thought, the brunette dozed off into the deep, restless slumber.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora