Chapter 15: New Mission

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Tsaritsa dismissed her strongest loyal warriors as the ceremony has ended. Everyone bowed, leaving the hall, including the young ginger.

"Tartaglia, wait a minute."

"Yes, your Majesty?" Childe turned around, looking at the Queen with questioning eyes.

"Please, come with me." Cryo archon turned around, walking out of the Throne hall through the side door.

Unable to refuse, 11th Harbinger had no other choice but to follow after her through narrow corridors. It wasn't the first time he was walking through this path, so he knew exactly where they were going.

After a minute of two, they reached their destination – Tsaritsa's personal office. Childe stopped in the middle of room, waiting for further orders while the God of Love walked up to her desk, grabbing a pile of papers.

"You know our current mission, Tartaglia."

"Collect all archon's gnoses?"

"Correct." She looked at the papers in her hand. "After a week, there will be a Rite of Descension held in Liyue. It's the time of a year when the Geo archon descends, bringing prophecy, giving guidance on the economic path his nation should follow in the coming year. You will find more information in these documents."

The godly woman came closer to her warrior, handing him the pile of papers. Childe raised his brow at them, quickly reading through the first page that was full of information about boring Liyue's traditions.

"This is the perfect opportunity to obtain geo archon's gnosis. I want you, Signora and Zanni to take care of it."

"Zanni?" Childe got confused. "Isn't it a bit too early for her to participate in such grand operations?"

"It is, yes. But I want to see just how far The Last Shadow can go. I assign you, Tartaglia, to watch after her and show her the ropes. Zanni seems to be a great strategist, it was obvious from her today's battle performance. She will be useful for a passionate fighter like you."

Tartaglia got slightly embarrassed, realising that Queen knew about his love for fighting and bloodlust. Sighing, he looked back at her.

"Your orders have been received. I will inform Zanni about our next mission."

"Very well. You may go now. Oh and... Try to gather some more information about this particular Traveler everyone is talking about nowadays..."

"Understood. Will be done."

11th Harbinger left Tsaritsa's office, heading straight home. Documents were left forgotten in his inner jacket pocket as he was too excited to congratulate his childhood friend with such achievement. Not to mention, he could barely contain the excitement of seeing her using Delusion. What's the element she got? He only got the box with her weapon, he didn't even get a chance to peek inside to see! How unfair!

He finally reached his giant mansion, kicking his boots off. The pile of papers would have been completely forgotten if it didn't fall out and scatter around the entire hallway.

Groaning in impatience, boy quickly picked them up, not caring about them being messy in hands as he ran upstairs. Knocking at the guest room excitedly, he was almost jumping in place.

"Come in."

Ginger nearly broke down the door from how fast he opened them, barging into the room. Carelessly throwing down the documents on the desk, he walked over to the girl standing almost in the middle of her room, looking at her hand.

"Well, well, well! You were amazing back there! Apprentice for sure did not disappoint her Master!" he spread his arms to the sides, softly smiling at the girl.

Girl smiled, letting her hand down before coming close to him, letting him embrace her. They rarely hugged, but Zanni couldn't help and feel protected in her friend's arms.

"I'm proud of you, Charlotte. Well done..." he squeezed her a bit tighter before pulling away (much to girl's disappointment), taking her right hand in his. "Oh... Interesting."

Previously greyish orb was now shinning with gentle light blue light, white as snow fatui 4-petaled flower inside it. Zanni's Delusion turned out to be cryo.

After a moment, it once again turned grey.

"I won't use it for now. I need an open terrain to train using it so I'd be no harm for my surroundings. We don't need this mansion turning into another Zapolyarny palace."

"Smart girlie." He teased, ruffling her hair. "Now then... Come here for a bit."

The boring papers were finally remembered. Boy picked them up, giving them to the girl.

"Tsaritsa has assigned us for a very important mission. Here's the description and other boring stuff I won't even bother to read."

"H-Huh?" girl was confused, reading the first page. "Rite of descencion? What? Why? Already?"

"Hey, hey. Relax. Surely, such an important mission will make you feel uneasy, but you got nothing to worry about! You will have Tartaglia on your side, Zanni!" He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Her Majesty is collecting other archons gnoses. Rite of descencion is a great opportunity for us to get geo archon's gnosis."

"H-Huh...? What's... a... gnosis...?" girl looked confused at her collegue.

"Pretty sure there is a description on that too." Ginger pointed at the papers. "In short, we are heading to Liyue next week. Even though you'll be a part of this mission, you can leave the majority to me. After all, you're just learning how everything works." He ruffled her hair one last time before heading to the door. "Don't stay up too late. You need to rest, alright? Exam must have taken a lot of energy, no?"

"Yeah... It did..." new Harbinger was too interested in papers in her hands to even properly react. "Goodnight..."


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