Chapter 12: The evening before

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Ever since they came back home from the final training and skill testing, Charlotte hasn't seen Childe. He has closed himself up in his room, not showing up even at dinner.

Volunteering to bring him his food plate, girl climbed upstairs, walking down the long corridor, stopping at the certain door and softly knocking. Rustling could be heard on the other side before the orange-haired young male appeared in the doorway.

"Oh, well hello there, Charlotte." He looked at her, a bit confused as he was always the one to come to her room and not vice versa. "What brings you here at this hour?"

"I got you your dinner... Your mother is greatly concerned about your well-being, so I promised to not come back unless I bring the empty plate with myself" she smiled, reaching out a tray with dinner plate, bowl of soup and cup of tea.

"Oh..." he smiled, taking the tray from her. "Come in then. We can discuss about today while I eat." Childe invited her in, turning around and walking deeper into his room.

Charlotte followed him inside, looking around. His room wasn't too different from hers, but had more details and personal stuff. There were a few, judging from looks, old bows and arrows, a few targets leaning to the walls. He had a whole bookshelf full of big books, but it was too far away for girl to even read at least one of the book titles.

Her friend sat down, pulling another chair out for her and patting it, inviting the girl to sit down next to him. Brunette obeyed, sitting down, her hands resting on top of her thighs politely, waiting for his further explanation.

"Want to start from my review on our today's battle or tomorrow's events?" asked the ginger head, getting ready to dig in into the authentic Snezhnayan borsch - his mother's specialty.

"Hmm... I guess... Today's battle first, then..."

Childe has started eating and so Charlotte understood that he needs a minute to rethink the whole situation. She then noticed an opened letter on his desk. It was sealed with red-wax stamp, Fatui 4-petaled flower marking graved into it. Must be an important one...

"Hmm... Honestly, it's hard to even comment." Childe wiped his lips and Charlotte only now noticed how quickly he has finished his soup. "Today you were amazing. Your strategies, weapon wielding, dodging skill, your stamina was perfect. Not to mention, you managed to beat me in my all 3 forms. Congrats!" he petted her shoulder, making her blush a bit.

"R-Really?" girl was quite flustered as she didn't expect that much praise from 11th Harbinger.

"Of course! Now then, all what's left to do for you is..." he pushed his food tray to the side, picking up the envelope Charlotte noticed earlier and taking out the letter from it. " 'Tomorrow, once northlights cross the sky, you are awaited at throne hall of ice-cold palace. It's the time when the Eleven gathers to accept a new member among them. 12th seat may be occupied after putting their warrior spirit to the test. You shall not be late for ceremony.' " Childe sighed, smilling. "Ah, her Majesty sure has a way with words."

"H-Huh? So, w-wait, hold on. D-does that mean...? I...?" Charlotte was lost, the letter scaring her.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Childe looked at her quite confused.

"You don't mean... I... will have to pass a fighting test in front of all Eleven? A-And, Tsaritsa herself?" girl's eyes were a bit wide as she was starting to panic.

"Seems so." 11th out of famous Eleven looked back at the letter text again. "Don't worry about it. All we, Harbingers, are gonna do, is just stand here and enjoy the show. Focus on her Majesty as she will be the one to give out the orders of how the things will go. Just relax and do your best, alright?"

Her friend's words calmed her down a bit, but Charlotte was still worried. What if she fails? All 11 Harbingers will remember it and make fun out of her. Not to mention, she will disappoint Childe... Disappoint him greatly. He put so much work in her training and believes she can pass... But what if she doesn't?

Brunette's train of thoughts were stopped by ginger's hand landing on her shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly.

"Everything is going to be okay, I'm sure of it. You are ready." He was looking straight in her eyes, the deep like ocean depths blue orbs calming her down completely.

Girl nodded, standing up.

"Alright... Thank you... I'll be going now then. Are you finished with your dinner? I'll wash the dishes."

"Haha, as caring as ever. It's fine, girlie. I'll go and wash them myself. Go and get some rest. Tomorrow is an important day for you."

Ruffling her hair, just like he often did with his younger siblings, he gathered the empty plates, leaving his room and slightly blushing girl in it. Sighing, Charlotte left it too, going to her own bedroom.

Despite Childe telling her to rest, girl couldn't enter the Land of Dreams in any way. The events of today and tomorrow wouldn't give her peace. She was already really suspicious about Childe and what happened to him when they were separated as children. The thing that he called "Foul Legacy" only made her overthink the situation more and more. Where could he have gotten this kind of power? How did he even do it in the first place?

Sighing, girl started counting stars shinning inthe night sky, visible through her room window. Soon enough, despite her beingwide awake a moment ago, stars and black night sky blurred into one mess andfinally blackened completely. Charlotte fell asleep.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin