Hospital bed and honest talks

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Ved's POV :

After knowing the situation of the software project my calmness left my body. It was a major project and Dad was confident about her management skills but the result was pathetic. Preparing the entire thing in 15 days is nearly impossible and loosing this project would greatly affect our company's profits.

Though she assured to correct her mistakes, I wasn't sure if she can actually manage this project. It wasn't just about her abilities, it's about the entire teamwork. Even I want to believe that she can handle everything, but the time constraints and workload spoke otherwise. When I returned back home she wasn't at home. Even her things were missing from our room.

What now? Did she actually leave our house just because I was a bit harsh on her during the meeting? This is ridiculous. Why can't she handle the problems rather than running away or giving excuses? I really can't understand the logics of this woman sometimes.

I sat inside my empty room and started thinking about the whole day. In a fit of rage, I lashed out on her... It wasn't entirely her fault, but my anger chose to ignore it...

Was I too harsh? Did I make her feel that bad that she decided to stay away? But where can she go, she hardly has any relatives here...
What if something happened to her on the way? May be her car broke down or something? Shit... I should have called her...
I tried calling her but none of the calls were connecting. For heaven's sake be safe Jaanvi...

If anything she would have informed Mom... May be Mom and Dad knows about her.. I think I should wait for sometime than panicking. I went down for dinner and the dinner table was extremely silent, of course Mom and Dad were missing their daughter.
"So your daughter is missing now. As per me she left the office early, she should have been here before me"
I casually started the conversation. I wanted to know where she was.
"Don't tell me she didn't inform you that she is shifting to her farmhouse because of the work thing? Did you two have an argument? Did you say something that hurt her? "
Mom began to interrogate me.
Thank God she's safe...
"Of course we didn't argue Mom. She informed me but I forgot since I was busy. Did she tell you about the project thing? "
"Yeah. She talked to us. I think we need to improve our security system Ved. Such things will increase if we turn blind eye to this case"
Dad spoke and I nodded. Our dinner continued silently.

She could have informed me before leaving.... What's with this childish attitude? I wouldn't have stopped her from leaving though.... Room felt silent in her absence. I had no one to argue with now. May be I can sleep peacefully from now onwards... Atleast that's what I thought.

Days were moving quickly and she continued to stay in her farmhouse. We didn't meet each other too much. My assistant informed me about her overtime works at office. I just hope everything ends well. There was still a week time for the presentation and I was expecting the tender to be in our favor.

Jaanvi's POV :

Life became extremely busy once we began repairing the damaged project. Days were passing in blink of eyes and the work in hand was getting piled up each day. I had to manage both my regular work of reviewing company affairs and the project works simultaneously. There was only a week left for the presentation and we had to buckle up.

I was in my cabin when the investigation team walked in. I asked them about the proceedings of the investigations.
"Mam we are still working on finding out the exact culprit but we have a basic idea about the issue now "
Vansh, the investigation team lead spoke to me in his professional tone.
"If my wild guesses are correct, it has to be someone from the office since outsiders hardly had access to the systems"
I asked him.
"Exactly mam, we interrogated everyone involved in this project. Since it was an important project only the project team, CFO and your immediate subordinates had the idea about the project. Since it's an insider they have access to security tapes too, so we can't get much information from that. We will dig for further details and get back to you as soon as possible. "
"Please consider this issue seriously Mr. Vansh. I want my team to experience the justice for their hard work"
He nodded and left the cabin.

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