Claim game no shame

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Jaanvi's POV :

Being busy with one or other projects, we didn't even realize how we passed 4 months of our marriage together. Almost everything was simple and problem free in my life except for my husband's Ex. She would purposefully annoy me every now and then just to please her sadistic mind. I couldn't complain anything to him since he was all praise for her because of her sacrifice.
Let me make it clear, I'm not jealous, I'm irritated. In fact she doesn't really have anything I should be jealous of...

They would still go on lunch and dinner dates, which according to him was spending time with his friend. If only he knew she didn't really have any friendly intention towards him... Yash, Arnav, Ash and Abhi came to visit us and when I asked him to join us, he said that he already has plans with his Anaitha. I can understand the point of him staying away from my friends, but Arnav and Yash are his best friends for a long time, still his priority was Anaitha. Instead of worrying about his absence, we chose to ignore him and enjoyed our time together.
Time and tide waits for none you see...

But I too wished to annoy this extra annoying secretary sometime and I was patiently waiting for my chance. One day Mumma sent us lunch box since we both skipped breakfast for an early meeting. She called me to give strict instructions to finish the food together and I agreed before it turns violent.

I went to check his cabin during lunch break. When I knocked he asked me to come in. By the situation inside the cabin, it looked like he and his secretary were planning to leave somewhere. I thanked almighty for the special chance I got to annoy my dear Anaitha. Its show time...

"Why are you here?"
Ved asked me without even looking at me.
Wow... how sweet.... If politeness is the word then my husband is the living antonym of it.
"Mumma sent us lunch box and asked us to have it together "
I told him in a monotonous tone.
"But I already asked Ved for a lunch date. We would be leaving soon. I think you have to finish lunch on your own"
She wanted to provoke me with her words.
"Yeah. I'm leaving soon, have your lunch sent by your loving Mumma"
He talked with a boring expression.
Ohho... Wrong move... You guys want to play, fine I too love games sometimes...
I smiled at them. Counter attack time..

"Is that so? Anyways I can't finish the lunch she sent for two people. So I will finish my part and send the carrier back with the driver. If she asks me while I go back, I will tell her you had plans with Anaitha and ask her not to send lunch without asking your permission. Is that ok with you Ved?"
I smirked at Anaitha.

"What are you? 5 year old to complain this to Mom? Can't you act bit mature Jaanvi?"
Ofcourse my husband was angry...
"5 or 25..... Mumma will anyways find out if she saw the lunch box. If not me, then she will ask you. You can handle your own mess then "
He was getting frustrated each second and its was quite a scene to watch.
"Fine. Let's get over this stupid lunch. Anu I'll take you out some other time."
"But Ved, you promised me today"
She tried to convince him with her crocodile tears.
Sorry... How can I forget... even crocodile can't compete with the great Anaitha, sorry buddy crocodile, you need to level up to match the prodigy..

Anyways Playing innocent, are we? Fine...
"Ved, should I leave if you are getting late?"
I too can use innocent words even though my angry bird like husband won't appreciate it.
May be I should have brought my own audience to cheer me up. Let me ring you all next time, be there on time to support me ok?
"Just shut up and sit down Jaanvi. Anu please try to understand and go out. I don't want anymore complications in my life now"
He ran his fingers through his hair with frustration,
Quite hot visual if you ask me... Ok no off topic discussions ...back to business...

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