Cheers to the new beginnings

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Nosey author's opinion alert ⚠️ :
You and I might find a common foe here....

Jaanvi's POV :

July 1st marked the beginning of my new journey in an entirely new atmosphere. Since I'm now confident with two wheeler driving, it only took 10 mins for me to reach college, which means I have plenty of time in hand to get ready without a fuss. I got ready early with my turquoise blue kurta and blue palazzo.
I prepared a quick sandwich and munched it. I left my apartment with my college bag at 8.30 and I was in the campus within 10 minutes. I found the details of my class on the noticeboard and after a quick introductory speech our faculty started with the syllabus briefing.

Our class had a strength of 15 students and the girl who sat next to me was Avni. We talked for sometime and got to know about each other. Soon we decided to check the library and canteen. Atmosphere of the campus was very good and all the amenities were student friendly. We both grabbed our lunch in the canteen and I returned back to my apartment.

I called home to talk about my first day and the call went up to an hour. Classes began from next day and it took me some time to adapt to the environment. Studies became my first priority and library became my second home. Days were moving quickly and on every weekend I went to meet my family in Mysore. I spent my Sundays eventfully with them.

Once the classes picked the pace, 3 months passed within no time. Because of all the assignments, seminars and internals, sometimes I would stay in my place on weekends too and Ajay would come to meet me at that time. All thanks to YouTube, my cooking has improved a lot now. My survival skills have improved a lot since I started staying in Mysore. Now I can manage doing all my works on my own without creating any mess.

My semester exams were in November and we had around 2 weeks break for studying. Subjects were manageable since my life revolved around studies and library. Avni sometimes came to my place for revisions. Exams went quiet decently and as soon as the exams finished my brothers dragged me home as usual. My family had missed me too much though I had visited them twice in past 4 months.

My semester break was only 15 days so I decided to use it to gain some working experience. I visited our company with Dad and observed him. He used to teach me about the important things involved in the business management. Once back home, I used to spend time with mom in kitchen. This became my favorite way of spending my time. After spending an eventful break with family, I went back to Mysore.

Next semester began on December 10th. I went to library on the reopening day to collect the necessary references for preparing my notes. I settled with the corner study table and started reading my book.
Someone cleared the throat and I looked up.
"Taken? "
The person in front of me asked.
"Sorry? "
I didn't understand the question since it could mean multiple ways.
"I meant the seat opposite to you"
He answered.
"Oh...Since you don't see anyone on the seat, I guess you can take it"
I replied and focused on my book.
Soon my phone vibrated and there was a message by Ajay that he was coming back home along with some stupid meme gifs. He literally comes running to my apartment at random days in a week because he misses me. Then either we go out for a movie or dinner or stay home and have a movie night. I smiled at my baby brother's childishness.

"You know... you've got a beautiful smile. You should smile more. "
It was again the same person sitting opposite to me.
" You know... you should update your system. Its really an ancient expired pick up line, so you should think of new ideas. "
I smirked.
"For a first meet, that was a harsh one "
"I don't do sweet talks with strangers Mr."
"Ok, lets become friends then. Abhinav Jain, 1st year MSc. Human Development."
"Jaanvi Avasthi, 1st year MBA. "
"So friends? "
"If you were not trying to hit on me earlier, then I can consider."
"I swear I meant no harm. I really find your smile beautiful. It was a simple, sweet compliment from an innocent, handsome boy, that's all"
He smiled sheepishly.
"Damn... I sense the presence of a narcissist soul near me"
I gave him a sarcastic smirk.
"Ok fine. I'm at fault. Forgive me and accept my friend request "
"My server is busy at the moment and network is down too. It might take time to process your request details"
I laughed at him.
"God..... you're the most savage person I have ever met"
"Then you should meet my best friend. She will blow your mind at the very first meet"
I spoke as I thought of Ash.
"I would definitely love to. But I need an identity to meet her right? So help me with that. "
He was grinning now.
"Your friend request has been accepted"
I replied as I collected my books. We both laughed and walked towards our classroom.

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