Hectic hours still holding hands

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Jaanvi’s POV :

Finally, I’m going back home after a long time. Since I’m planning to move into our farm house, I packed all my stuff. Nishta was graduating this year, so she is moving back to Bangalore. So we had a small farewell lunch together. I talked about my plan of staying at farmhouse for the upcoming semester and Piya said she would miss both our company.

When we came back to hostel, both my elder brothers were in the waiting area, they asked me about the luggage and I told him I had already packed it. Once they loaded my luggage, I hugged both Piya and Nishta and went back to the car and we started off to Bangalore.

On the way we talked about my studies and hostel life. We also talked about the projects they are handling and slowly I drifted to sleep in the middle of our conversations. When I woke up, we were already in front of my sweet home. I ran to my family and the hugs and kisses session continued thereafter. Mom asked me to freshen up and join them for dinner. I sent a quick text to Ved about my safe arrival. We all had a great family dinner time and I was tired from the travelling and I decided to sleep early.

I was having my healing time at home. Life was quite simple unlike in Mangalore. Good food, ample sleep, movie time, road trips and long drives were happening on weekly basis. Among all these things, the lengthy daily night calls and occasional video calls to Ved were never missed. We always knew about each other’s whereabouts and plans.

I spent time with Dad in his office to learn the basics of the family business. It was tiring but still fun. Me, Ash and Nishta met each other once in a while. But as time passed, I started missing Mangalore, especially him. I mentioned about my plan to move in to the farmhouse to my family. Mom instantly started throwing questions and I explained her slowly. But still she wasn’t accepting it. Dad agreed on one condition that one of our house helps would stay with me in the house. I agreed with a counter condition that I get to choose who would accompany me. Dad and mom were ok with it.

I directly ran to kitchen and asked Chinnamma if is she ready to stay with me in Mangalore, she nodded a yes and I announced that I will take her with me and everyone was ok with it. Chinnamma has been with our family even before I was born. She’s my favorite among all others. She has always treated me like her own daughter and taken good care of me whenever Mom was busy with something. So we shared a special bond since childhood.

So it was decided that I’m going to Mangalore with Chinnamma this time. Since my vacation was almost over and I had to settle in with the new arrangement, Avi anna came with us to Mangalore. We shopped for some necessary items and finally everything was arranged. He left to the company work. I settled in my bedroom and Chinnamma decided to stay in guest room.

My college reopened soon and I was back to regular routine life. We had a new addition in our gang this year. She was a transfer student from Belgam named Anaitha. Piya introduced us to her since they are new roommates now. Since she is new to St. Theresa, she was still uncomfortable with the new surroundings, so she stayed alone most of the time. Piya being a caring roommate, introduced her to our gang and slowly she became close to our gang after spending some time with us. Days were becoming hectic but the company of friends helped us endure it. I met Ved after a week of shifting and we had a Sunday outing to compensate the loss of time during the vacation.

Ved’s POV :

Once she was back in Mangalore, we met up almost every week before my classes started. Since I had free time before my MBA classes started, I used to pick her up and drop her home sometimes. Now, me and my friends were inevitable part of her gang, so whenever she planned something we were tagging along. She had planned a group outing for the month end, to welcome the new member of gang. The new girl Anaitha was already close with all of them in quite a short period.

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