Back at a space where I feel at peace

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Ash's POV:

When Jaanvi called me in the morning to talk about Ved's call, I was skeptical about letting her go. This time it wasn't some casual fight between them, there were too many things that indicated the fragility of their relationship. I didn't want to see her broken again. But again... what if my assumptions were wrong and Ved finally decides to correct his mistakes, then their relationship could be mended. So when she asked me if its ok for her to go, I told her anything is fine as long as she is happy.

Still my heart was not at peace for the whole day. I called Arnav and we met at a cafe near my place.
"Ved called her today morning.
He wanted to meet her. "
I told him.
"It's good. They need to talk"
He said stirring his coffee.
"But I do have a haunch something will go wrong. I'm worried about her"
"What do you want to do about it ? "
"I don't know. Can we go with her? May be we can talk to Ved about it?"
"No Ash. Its not our place to do something like that. Moreover when I went to talk to him last time, he clearly told me it's his personal issue and he would solve it on his own. So we can't interfere"
He said as he sipped his coffee.
"What about his Mumbai plan? Is it still on?"
"He said he will leave next week"
"That's it. I'm not leaving Jaanvi alone in this."
I stood up. You can call me a nosy bitch, but I'd never ignore a thing when it comes to my bestie.
"Ok calm down. I think I know where they are meeting. We can go there but we are not going to interfere with their conversation. We will wait for Jaanu there. Fine? "
We both reached Kodical beach but he didn't let me go near to them. I could hear some of the things that jerk spoke. I so badly wanted to break his nose. But Arnav wouldn't let me do it. But what shocked me was Jaanvi's last words to him. She was putting up her brave front even though she was broken completely.

We both went to her once he left. She sobbed till her eyes hurt. But she managed to calm herself down after a long sobbing session. After the ice-cream treat, we decided to drop her home. I just wish she can be the strong cheerful Jaanvi once again. Though I wanted to stay with her, she needs her space to sort out her feelings so I let her be. Arnav dropped me home and told me not to worry too much.

Jaanvi's POV :

Ash and Arnav dropped me home. Chinnamma was waiting for me. She hugged me as soon as I went in. I was confused about her actions. She asked me to freshen up and have dinner but I told her I was already full because of the ice-cream and all I need is some strong coffee to heal my headache.

When I freshened up she was waiting for me in the garden with 2 mugs of coffee. I went and sat with her.
"You are strong Jaanvi Putta. I'm very proud of you. "
She told me as she caressed my hair.
"Ash told you? "
I think she knows everything by now. So there was no point in keeping secrets now.
"That day you didn't come home after the party. So I called her. That boy Arnav took the call and told me that something happened between you and Ved. When you returned home I could see the sadness in your eyes. Today you were so happy to meet him. But when you came back your eyes are all red and puffy. I can guess what happened. Is it the same what I'm thinking?"
She asked me with a concerned face.
I didn't trust my voice since I was getting teary again, so I nodded.
"It is ok to move away from the things that hurt you Putta. Life isn't perfect all the time. We go through ups and downs all the time. But people who actually care for us remain constant. They won't leave you alone when you need them. Love should be your strength not your weakness."
Her words clearly showed the experience she had in her life.
"Chinnamma, you seem to respect the concept of love so much. Was your love your strength always? "
"I thought it was my strength initially. So I married the man I loved. But after few years, his abusiveness proved me wrong. His love started becoming my weakness. He decided to take me for granted because he knew I loved him and would never retort back"
"What did you do then? "
I was worried after listening to her.
"I decided to leave him and find the actual happiness in my life."
"Still you believe in love? "
I was curious now.
She smiled at me and said,
"It was my mistake to love the wrong person. So my story ended up being a tragic one. I realized the necessity to love myself once he left me. If I can't love myself I could never love anyone in my life. So rather than blaming love, I decided to love the people who stayed with me during my tough times. I was going through tough times in my life struggling to find a job and place to live, that is when I found your family. You people gave me enough love that my broken self needed at the moment. Love heals any kind of pain you have in your life. So never think of love as a bad thing"
I wasn't aware she went through so much in her life. Her words really changed my perception about love. I didn't want to remain depressed anymore. I wanted to live happily for the people who love me.

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