Not so Software

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Ved's POV :

I admit I did forget her birthday and our anniversary... but still, what's the big deal about it? It's highly natural for a working man to forget such things and I'm not the only one on planet earth to commit that mistake. It wasn't really intentional, I had too many meetings lined up and such simple things can easily slip off sometimes. God knows how many times I forgot my own birthday...

Just when I thought she was tolerable, she started with her tantrums and my parents blindly support her all the time. May be Anu was always right about her. She uses manipulation skills to convince anyone to work for her. Even our Kerala trip, it was her wish so she convinced me to join. Why are you so unpredictable Jaanvi?

Everything has to be according to her will. Do I look like some puppet in her hands? This is the thing I was worried about when I broke up with her and now she is proving me right. Nowadays only Anaitha is the person who understands me and cares for me like a good friend. I should have convinced my parents and let Anaitha be my life partner.

Jaanvi's POV :

Was I too harsh while I used my words? I know my tongue looses its connection with brain sometimes when I get angry, but its just momentary mistakes. May be I was just PMSing and lost my calm... May be he was really busy with work... I think I can apologize to Ved about it. Both of us had mistakes so its fair if I ask for forgiveness.

We were home after a hectic day and I decided to apologize to him after dinner.
"Ved... I know I was harsh on you the other day. I admit my fault and sincerely apologize for it. I hope we can be normal again"
He was shocked after hearing me. He looked at me like I spoke some alien language.
"You're apologizing and you mean it?"
"Of course why would I fake it? You too said sorry that day and I'm saying sorry today. We can finish this cold war after this I guess "
"Fine even if its not for our sake, lets behave civil with each other for our family. After all this marriage is more about them than about us right?"
His words did hurt me but I couldn't explain exactly why I was hurt, so I decided to give a small smile and nod.

After few days we were somewhat back to normal. We started talking about the projects during our ride to office and talked about general things over dinner. Though nothing was perfect we started living in harmony.

Our company had to attend a tender for software development for a prestigious gaming company. This software in the new update of the game version was expected to give an advanced gaming experience to the player. We had a deadline of three months to present them the demo version of it. So it will be presented to them during the tender auction and if it gets the approval, we could get the project for developing the actual software. It was a huge project for V&A Solutions and Papa asked me to lead the project. Though I had been part of some important projects, I was yet to handle a major project on my own. Since Ved was busy with the construction project, I had to take care of this one.

Our project team started working on it and I joined them as I had idea about the field. But the work schedule was getting hectic every day. Office became my second home sometimes and Mumma was worried about my health. Ved would sometimes join me for lunch and we discussed about each other's project. Anaitha still loitered around him like a bee and tried to show her closeness with Ved all the time. Though I felt like slapping her then and there, I would never do that because it would affect the entire family. I didn't want anymore mess in my life, so I checked on my anger always.

Our demo software project was halfway done in next two months and now we were working on the improvisation. Everyone in the team was really hardworking and I was really proud of them. We had meetings and discussions almost every alternate day so that we can get best ideas.

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