He points at the other spiderman, "Peter Three!"

"All right, let's do this" Olivia nods.

"No, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Peter three says, "I love you guys."

"Thank you" the other three nod.

"All right. Let's do this" Peter 1 smiles.

The Three Spider-Men jump off the scaffolding, screaming wildly, swinging in tandem. Olivia stood on the scaffolding surrounding the Statue of Liberty, hiding from her mother, after noticing she was waking up, she watched as Peter swung with the other Spider-Men. That was when she realised Peter had found himself.

They land, Peter 2 first, Peter 3 second and Peter 1 last, on Lady Liberty's crown. Sandman, Electro and Lizard gather to meet them in a villain team-up shot. The two group lunge at one another at the same moment.

Peter 2 meets up with Max, Peter 3 flying kicks Connors, while Peter 1 taps Marko lightly and swings down, ready to take command, "Let's go. Okay, Spider-Mans. Sandman first."

Peter 2 is being chased by Marko in form of the sand demon, "I'm gonna lead him inside the statue."

Peter 3 is being chased by the Lizard, "I'll meet you at the top."

"Come on" Peter 3 grabs the anti-collider and tries to gain some distance, but the Lizard pins him down mercilessly.

"Heyy, Dr. Connors."

"Hello, Peter."

To their right, Peter 1 is seen avoiding Electro. "Peter One!" Peter three calls, he passes the device to Peter 1, who catches it.

"I got it" Max teleports out of the blue and blasts him down. The anti collider falls into one of the scaffolding's corridors.

Meanwhile, Peter 2 lures Sandman deep inside the Statue's interior. Flint traps him there, filling everything around with grains of sand, "Flint! We're trying to help you! Guys, I'm at the top! I need the cure!" He's slowly suffocated by the sand.

Peter 1 has recovered and is coming to the rescue, "I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Meanwhile, Peter 3 is trying his damndest to prevent the Lizard from biting his head clean off. He desperately webs Connors to the scaffolding, "Just... wait for your turn Doc! I'll be right back."

As Electro closes in on him, Peter 3 jumps out of the structure and, using two lines of web, catapults himself upwards. Spinning in the air gracefully, he quickly throws the cure to Peter 1, who then throws it to Peter 2, whose arm is the only thing not submerged in sand. With a press of a button, he activates the miniature super collider. Light shines out of the crown from Lady Liberty.

The sand sinks away, Peter Two takes off his mask and takes a few deep breaths. At the bottom of the statue, Flint Marko, cured at last, rises from the puddle of sand, looking at his hands in confusion, "It's okay, Flint. We're gonna get you home. Just stay right here."

Electro causes a whole lot of electrical discharges in the air, growing in power. The three Peters gather at the crown, "how do we stop him?"

"I've never seen him this powerful" Peter 3 tells the two.

"It's the arc reactor" Olivia realises from the other side of the statue, "you guys gotta get it off him."

"You're not to take this away from me" max announces, Peter 1 webs the power source, but Max simply rips the web off, "Nah! That's not gonna work" He fires directly at the crown, destroying the pieces of scaffolding surrounding it as the Spider-Men dodge.

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now