Chapter 26

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Tws- Homophobia, use of homophobic slurs, cursing, suicidal thoughts, terrible discrimination, violence.

Please be very careful! This could be extremely triggering. Even if you don't have these triggers please read carefully, it will probably make you uncomfortable. 


POV: Liam

He finally recieves another letter from Zayn on a monday. Harry, Louis and Niall all read it first and tease him before they finally give him some space to read it himself.

Dear Li,

I'm going to forfeit. I know it isn't ideal but really it is the only option I have. I need to keep you safe. I'm signing out at noon and leaving the kingdom. Will you come along? I hope you do, Li. I don't know if we'll be able to live the way we deserve, but it'll be alright because we'll be together. All this if you decide to join me. A little house, Liam. Our house. Come with me, Jaan. We need more time. I need more time to love you. 

- Z

Liam smiles. Their little house.

He quickly takes a paper and starts writing.


As if I'd choose anything else. My home and heart is where you are. I'll have my bags packed. I love you. We have time.

- With a heart full of love, Liam.

He smiles to himself. Dares to hope. He runs to Harry's tent with the letter, hoping to find the messenger lady aswell, so he can get his letter to Zayn as soon as possible.

"Haz? She left?", He asks.

"Yeah...for just while.. she'll be back before noon..I wasn't fully done yet..", he says indicating to the paper in his hands. 

"Oh..I need to send this to Zayn. Can you get this from me when she comes?", Liam asks.

"Sure, Li.", Harry says.

"Payne!", General Dauntley calls.

"Yes sir.", He salutes quickly.

"Is it him?", He asks an Indian man beside him.

"Yes, I saw him with the a know..", he says.

Liam's heart thuds fast in his chest.

A crowd has gathered around them now. He feels himself turning red. Beads of sweat forming on his forehead. It's something else, he prays. It's not over. 

"Is there any truth to this, Payne. I have been informed you indulged in indecency.", General asks.

Liam can't move, tears forming in his eyes. This cannot be happening. They were going to run. To be together for life.

"It was definitely him. Prince Farhaan vouches for it. You did read the letter sir.", The man says.

"No sir, this is bullshit!", Louis says. There are some mumbles of assent.

"Yes..Liam didn't do anything wrong.", Niall supplies.

"Quiet! It's upto Payne to accept or deny it.", Dauntley says, effectively cutting off all the whispers. 

"So what do you have to say for yourself? Did you indulge in indecency?", Commisioner asks.

Liam just looks down. Tears falling to his feet. He can't deny it. He can't pretend he didn't love. He opens his mouth but only a broken sob comes out. He can't breathe.

This is his worst fear. Getting caught, losing Zayn. 

"Well, that settles it. You are going back to England in the goods ship that is leaving before noon. Your punishment will be declared by the court there." General says with contempt.

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