i can guarantee the dishes would never get done if it wasn't for her. i live with two guys, of course shit doesn't get cleaned. who do you think does the laundry around here? right, me.

i let jack try to do laundry once and he ended up shrinking all his shirts. i'd honestly rather do it myself before he fucks up my wardrobe, too.

we finish up cleaning and i make my way into the living room, flopping onto the couch with juliet joining.

"you think i should try to get jack up again?" she asks quietly.

i shrug, "i guess it's worth a shot. did you eat today? we could all go out for lunch if you want to."

"i'd love to" she smiles before shooting up and heading upstairs. i take that as my queue to follow and take a shower. i feel disgusting.

i take a shower fairly quickly, just washing my hair and body.

taking a look in my walk in closet, i pick out a pair of brown jeans with a tight white and brown checkered crop top to wear for the day.

when i walk downstairs, i'm surprised to see everyone else all ready to go.

"jack? did you even take a shower?" i question.

"ash somehow threw me in the shower last night. apparently i puked on myself as soon as we got out of the car" he admits, scratching the back of his neck.

"lovely" i cringe. "is everyone coming out to eat with juliet and i?"

everyone nods, and we head out the door.

jack decides to drive today, which he usually does. juliet sits beside him in the passenger seat and i'm sat in the back with asher, who looks insanely cramped up.

"why am i sitting in the back today? my legs are too long for this shit."

"what, you can't let juliet sit in the front for once?" jack responds, looking back at us through the mirror.

"he's right, asher. you should try to be a gentleman for once" i insist. he grumbles to himself and looks out of the window in defeat.

we eventually pull up to a small restaurant only a few minutes away from home. i've never been here before, but it looks really cute. kinda like a little cafe.

definitely juliet's choice.

we all unload from the car and walk inside, getting sat in a booth. i take my place next to juliet, and sit across from asher and jack.

"what are you in the mood for?" juliet asks me quietly.

i hum and scan the menu before making my choice. "i'm thinking a grilled chicken salad or a club sandwich. what about you?"

"is juliet on the menu?" jack smirks. juliet groans and covers her face with her hands while i raise my eyebrow with an unentertained expression.

"i wasn't asking you" i deadpan. "sorry, jules.  what do you wanna eat?"

"i'll get a sandwich if you do" she shrugs. i nod and close up my menu, taking her's out of her way as well.

eventually, our server comes over to fill our glasses with water and take our orders. juliet and i order the sandwiches we agreed on and the guys order their meals.

"i'm gonna get a spicy chicken wrap" jack smiles, handing his menu to the server.

"and i'll just get a bacon cheeseburger" asher adds before doing the same.

the server thanks us and walks away to put in our orders.

"so who's paying for lunch?" asher speaks.

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