Chapter Forty-Two

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July 20th 2020
New York Office

Jennifer and I have been back in the states for almost 2 months. Life has been crazy busy with me since my parents retirement. Between running my many businesses and now taking over theirs; it's stressing me out. I'm currently in the office today for a few business meetings. I want to combine all the businesses into one and make it legal. With the baby coming I rather not have feds breathing down my neck, well ya know, anyways. Pay attention to the meeting please.

"So, what are you thinking boss?" I hear someone ask. I shake my head looking over at them.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said what are you thinking boss?"

"I say we keep everything like it is now until New York is fully legal. Once everything is legal, we open up shop. We are gonna act as import/export until further notice. I'm not gonna be working with you guys for a while since Jennifer and I do have the baby coming in a few months. I'm gonna work either from the office or home. All the drugs that are on property are going to be moved to the warehouse. We will ship and sell from there. Now, the weapons will stay on property with me since it's not illegal and we pretty much have an underground warehouse for those."

"And your parents business?"

"They were doing import/export and since everyone knows their name, they won't be shocked when we start shipping a lot. Prentiss is a wealthy name and business. Plus, they have the real estate business. I'll be going to sell a few homes tomorrow. We need to focus attention on the legal stuff so that the illegal business isn't brought to light. Any questions?" They shook their heads no. "Okay we are done for the day. Jason and Luke head to the house with Ryan and Mark so y'all can start moving everything. Drugs only"

"Yes boss" everyone filed out of the office while I sat there on my computer.

"Hi" I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw an attractive red head walk over to me. "I'm Jasmine, I'm here for the assistant job.." I looked her up and down before standing up.

"Yes, let's go to my office" I grabbed my laptop and notebook heading back to my office. She sat in the chair in front of my desk while I leaned against my desk looking at her.

"So, the starting pay is $30 an hour, 5 days a week, off every weekend. You've been an assistant before yes?" She nods her head "So I don't have to go over everything than. My wife Jennifer is the only one allowed back without notice, doesn't matter what I'm doing she's allowed in at any time. We are actually done for the day so you don't have to stay but you will get paid. Any questions?"

"Yeah, what do you do?" I smirked at her.

"A lot of things" I winked at her and she blushed.

"Hopefully I'll get to find out one day" she stood up and was closer than expected. "But I'll see you bright and early Mrs. Prentiss, have a good day" she turned and walked out of the office, my eyes following her.

Jennifer's not going to like her.


"Baby, I'm home!" I yelled once I walked into the house. I put my briefcase in the hall closet along with my jacket. I padded further into the house.

"Office!" Jennifer yelled out. I walked down to her office and leaned in the doorway watching her.

"Hey beautiful" she turned towards me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hi handsome, come kiss me" I chuckle and walk over to her, I lean down and press my lips against hers. She moans into the kiss. "Mmm I've missed those lips" I lean back against her desk, my ankles crossing.

"What ya up to?"

"Just looking at blueprints for the maids housing, I want them to feel like they're at home" I nodded in understanding. "Also, I changed my mind about the babies room, so I sent the stuff I ordered back and found something modern."

"Of course, picky woman" she smiles up at me. "What are you wanting for dinner tonight?"

"Can you make us your famous pancake breakfast? Me and your offspring are craving them" I kneel down and rest my hand against her stomach, she's almost 6 months now.

"Of course, anything for you guys" I kiss her stomach then her lips before heading to the kitchen. As I'm cooking my work phone pings. It's from Jasmine.

"Attachment: 2 Images"

I unlock my phone going to the messages. My mouth falls open when I see them, I quickly delete them locking my phone. WHAT THE FUCK? This is not good. I turn the food off and unlock my phone calling Ryan.

"Where the fuck did we find Jasmine?!" I pace around the backyard biting at my nails.

"She came from New Orleans as far as I know. Her resume was phenomenal and she has good recommendations"

"Ryan.. She has pictures of Will... WITH JENNIFER WHILE HE'S DEAD!" There's silence on the call.

"You're being serious aren't you?"

"Yes Ryan! You have to.. FUCK." I run my fingers through my hair. "Where are you?"

"At the warehouse"

"I'm coming to you. We have business to handle"


It's always the bitches with a J name fucking shit up 😂💀

Anyways a quick little Emily update, y'all knew it was gonna be some shit when y'all clicked this chapter 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️💀

Anyways, love y'all ♥️

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