12| LP's Birthday (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Bex in the meantime gave Sean a knowing glance. After what she just saw she knew that Sean's feelings for Lana had never gone and watching Lana acting like that made her sure that she shared his feelings and Bex wasn't sure if she liked the idea of her two best friends together since a relationship could put their trio friendship at risk. But in the end, she wants them to be happy, even if it was in a relationship together. 

Time went by quickly since they picked up on funny stories again, forgetting about the video. Unfortunately, their little catch-up had to end around five, since everyone had a family to attend to. 

Sean picked up the boys and Amélie whilst Lana was making her infamous Lasagna, which the kids requested since she was back. They all ate together when they came back and snuggled a bit in front of the TV before it was time for bed. 

Lana went with Leo this time, who just wanted to listen to a CD today. 

"And can you lay down with me in my bed until I fall asleep?", the little boy asked, looking at Lana with his puppy eyes. Of course, she couldn't say no to that. 

Sean was already back in the living room after he tucked Flynn in. He sat down on the couch after this kind of exhausting but beautiful day, scrolling through his Instagram feed. He grinned at some of the birthday wishes for Lana before recognizing how many people had commented on one of his old posts that he forgot to post a new picture of him and Lana. Well, it was kind of a tradition, that's for sure. 

Grinning, he took the video from them singing happy birthday and cut it after the boys went in for a hug. Like that he was able to post it, knowing that a lot of fans would completely overreact. He thought about a fitting caption that was also a bit teasing because that's what he loved to do. 

"After I got like a million comments that I forgot about @lanaparrilla 's birthday, I thought I would share my morning cuteness with you. 

I actually was the first one (with my kids) that got to wish her a happy birthday. 

And if someone is wondering why exactly she is wearing clothes: after Lana surprised Flynn for his birthday, she fell asleep on the couch watching "Inside out", which made Leo a bit upset since he wanted her to see the movie. Guess auntie Lana has to come back for a proper film night one day.", he wrote smiling. 

"What are you up to?", Lana grinned when she saw him smiling in front of his phone

"I got an extreme amount of comments saying that I forgot a birthday post for you. So I thought I would post the video from this morning. No worries. I did cut it. Is that alright with you?", Sean asked, looking up to her and placing his feet down on the floor to make some space for her to sit. 

"Yeah that's fine.", she said, sitting next to him and answering some of her text messages. "Gosh my mom just sent me another old picture from me on my birthday.", Lana laughed and turned her phone, for Sean to see. He had a closer look before grinning like an idiot. 

"Honestly, where were you when I was in high school. Girls in my class weren't that good looking.", Sean laughed and got a playful slap from Lana for his comment. 

"It is a cute picture. I like your glasses.", he grinned. 

"I really didn't like them. To be honest, it was like one of the cheapest you could find since my family basically was poor.", Lana confessed, whilst looking down slightly. 

"Hey. This is nothing to be ashamed of.", Sean said with a slight smile before turning his gaze back to the picture. "That's your dad in the background, right?", he asked reserved. He wasn't sure how Lana would react because her dad was a sensitive topic that made her emotional quite quickly. 

"Yeah...that's him. I think you would have liked him. He was a very funny man with some great skills.", she said, smiling proudly. 

"I would have liked to meet him and thank him.", he smiled before recognizing something else. "You got his eyes.", Sean grinned at her but Lana was still stuck with his first sentence. 

"Thank him for what?", she giggled, nibbling at a glass of wine she brought with her. 

"For you of course!", Sean said, looking directly into her eyes. The soft brown made his heart skip a couple of beats before Lana broke their eye contact, looking down on the picture again. 

"That is really sweet of you to say…", Lana grinning whilst blushing slightly. 

"I think he is really proud of you, Lana. And so am I. I hope your papa was able to see his daughter smile today because that was my mission.", Sean said calmly and smiled because of all the beautiful memories they had created today. 

"Do you wanna know what I wished for this morning?", Lana asked and looked up again to meet his gaze. She didn't even bother to wait for a spoken answer from Sean because his eyes told her everything she wanted to know. 

"I wished that the happiness I felt in this moment would last as long as possible and help me in times when I would need some of it.", she smiled whilst looking into Sean's ocean blue eyes that gave her hope, every time she was looking into them. And she didn't even need her sign of a feather to tell her that she was where she was supposed to be, because nothing felt more like home than being here with Sean, Flynn, Leo, and Amélie, who she proudly called family. 

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