Chapter 31 (Momentary II)

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I don't know how long I've been staring at the ceiling. It could be days, weeks, or even months. Who knows? Who cares? Not me. In my world, time doesn't mean anything. It's just a number that counts how long I've been suffering.

There's a soft knock on the door. Whoever that was, they didn't wait for me to answer and instead, opened the door.

"Joy," I rolled my eyes. She's always like this. When it comes to Joy, there is no such thing as privacy or boundaries. She uses her millennia age against me if I try to talk to her about it.

"It's been three days. We've got work."

It's only been three days? That sucks. I frowned. "What? I thought I'm free for four months?"

"What? You plan to stay in bed for four months?" She placed her hands on her waist.

"Well...why not?" I don't see any problem with that.

She shook her head in disappointment. "College guy. Let's go." Joy swished her finger through the air and immediately, we were in a different place in front of a huge house.

"Who lives here?" I asked.

"We never ask who our clients are. We don't care, remember?"

"Really? It seemed that you were really familiar with that president." I noticed that the way she flirted with him was a bit different than usual. It's as if they are almost too familiar with each other.

"Oh...that one?" She smirked. "That one was different." She licked her lips.

"You disgust me." I started walking to the front porch to ring the bell but Joy stopped me.

"Up." She pointed upward with her long red nails. She swished her finger once more and we landed on a bachelor-styled bedroom. "You summoned?" Joy said to the guy sitting in the middle of the room with sigils drawn around him.

I gave him a side-eye. These humans, they don't know what they're playing with.

"I only summoned one." The guy said. He's got a messy blond look going on. Blue polo shirt and tacky shorts. Typical look for someone who is born with money.

"Yeah, well...With us, it's a buy one take one deal. Now, what do you need?" Joy crossed her arms together over her chest.

"Ugh...okay...uhmm...according to the book..." He tried to skim the pages of the book. I rolled my eyes again. This guy really doesn't know what he's dealing with, huh?

"We know the rules, dear. We are the ones who wrote it." Right, Joy was one of the elder half-demons that helped write the new laws. It was because of the sudden increase of half-demons during her time. One of the reasons why the Superior trusts her the most.

"Oh...right...okay...Ugh...there's this girl...I've been trying to get her back..." He gave us a nervous gulp.

Joy clapped her hands together. "Oooh, this should be fun."

Tsk. Another one of these weak men. Why can't they just simply move on?

"Anyway, I've been trying to get her back but she just won't...I want her back. Okay? I made a mistake but I learned from my mistake and now I want her back." He's stuttering. Not a good sign. Poor girl. Whoever it is.

Joy nodded. "Okay okay...what's your payment going to be?" She gave the guy a sheepish smile. Her eyes almost turned bright red in excitement. It's like that whenever she feels something exciting or very terrible.

"How about...2 and a half years of each of our lives?"

I furrowed my brows. "Wait, you're using that poor girl's life as a supplementary payment with your own?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Since we are going to be a pair now."

Joy made a disgusted face. "Now I kinda understand why she left you."

"Are we allowed to do that?" I asked.

"Girl, we just took an eight-year-old's life earlier this week. You really think it matters?"

"Yeah, but...okay, fine whatever. How much is that for us?" I asked.

"I'll look another decade younger, and maybe a week or two for you."

"What?" The payment I'm receiving since she and I worked together has become a little bit unfair. That or I just never realized that until now.

"Hey, I'm your superior. It makes sense."

"I'm underpaid." Very underpaid, in fact.

"You'll get a raise after another hundred years. Don't worry."

Yeah, I don't want to live another hundred years or so.

"Ehem..." the guy interrupted, reminding us that he was still in the room with us. Or rather, we're still in his room and we got business to do. "So? Can we do that?"

Joy smiled widely showing her white bright teeth. "Of course."

" how are we going to do it?"

I looked around his room. "That one." I pointed at the rose sitting on his nightstand. "Give that to her. That should work to attract her."

"That's it?"

Joy nodded. "The spell is forever. Well, unless she wakes up in reality and realizes that she's been hypnotized by the aroma of the flower." Joy took the rose from the nightstand and handed it to the guy.

"Wait...what if the rose died? That's it?"

"No, the aroma will stick with her forever."

"And if it didn't work?" He studied the rose in his hands.

"Are you doubting us?"

"Well, I got to make sure, right?"

"How dare you!" Joy's eyes turned pure red.

"You angered her," I informed the guy. "You don't want to anger her."

The guy panicked. "No, that's not what I meant. This girl, she's sorta different. It'll be difficult to just hand her this rose. She might throw it back at my face for all I know."

"She's not gonna. We got this." Joy winked as she relaxed. Her red eyes returned to her normal deep black eyes.

"You're going to be there?"

"We're always watching." Joy licked her red lips flirtatiously.

I shook my head. "Let's go. See you tomorrow, guy who is very hopeless romantic." I pulled her out of the room and teleported back to the apartment.


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