Chapter 4 (Holy)

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(IDK her religion yall, but just pretend she's Catholic alright?)

Jennie P.O.V 

"Wake up. We need to get moving." I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes to see her stepping on the fire to turn it off. "What's happening? It's still dark."

"I could feel them closing by. We need to go." She gripped my arm with her so-cold hands and just like earlier, we turned to smoke and when reformed, we're already somewhere else. But now, that somewhere else is my bedroom.

She let go of my arm and stood in front of the window. "Take everything that you need. We're leaving immediately."

I'm still groggy but I think I am quite aware of what's happening. Just a month ago, we went on a trip with my mother who is devoted to Catholicism and she bought me a bottle of water. Not just any water. Holy water. I know I hid it somewhere in my stash of random things. I looked for it but I just have lots of things in my cabinet of random things.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Just...looking for something very important."

"Whatever. Be quick. I cannot fool them for long."

"AH, found it!" I opened the bottle and ran towards her.

"What's that?"

"Our father, who art in heaven..." I started sprinkling her with the holy water.

She covered herself with her arms and was moving back until she tripped on some random stuff on my ground. I continued throwing some holy water on her. I could see some smoke spreading around but didn't bother about it.

"You really think that thing works on me?" She kicked me on my sheen and made me fall to the ground hitting my face on the floor. "That's it. I tried to be nice but you did this."

I know we are vanishing somewhere again because I felt her cold hands on me and I felt like turning into small particles. When I raised my head, we're already at some place unfamiliar to me. It seems like we're behind an old building.

"I tried to be understanding because I know the human body is fragile and obviously you are not comfortable wearing that." She pointed at my oh-so revealing clothes. 

"It's almost September and it will start getting colder. Instead of doing what I told you to do, you sprinkled shitty water on me. Well then, freeze to death." She started walking away from me.

I tried to stand up. "I thought you're a demon. Why didn't the holy water work on you?"

She didn't reply and continued to walk.

Shivering, I tiptoed my way towards her. I should've at least prioritized finding a shoe or wearing some pants. I'm starting to realize that we're behind some construction zones and sooner or later we could meet people that work here.

"Ok, I'm sorry. Please, let's go back and I will really change clothes." I begged.

She turned her head towards me. "Too late for that. The angels are already there. Burning the place is not going to distract them long."

"I thought it worked because you were burning but you were burning the place intentionally? My mom could've been there!"

She rolled her eyes.

I punched her through her back.

"What the heck!"

"Look, I am not dealing with this angels and demons bullshit. You either take me home or I'm seriously going to take you to church and let you burn there,"

Good Demon [K.J x reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن