Chapter 3 (Collection)

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Jennie P.O.V

"Make up, check. Dress, check, hair, check. Yeah, I think she's ready to go Mrs. Kim." Nayeon said to my mom.

"I really didn't need this big celebration." I tried to peek through the glass door but it's all covered with white cloth to keep the event private.

"This or celebrate it with only the three of us. Me, you, and your mom." Nayeon smiled sarcastically.

"It's better than celebrating my birthday with random people that mom met in her yoga class." I took a deep breath. "Is it just me or the aura of the whole thing feels different?"

"Ugh, duh. We made sure that it's going to be your special day. Of course the aura is going to feel different."

The glass door opened ajar showing the event organizer. "Are we ready?"

"Yes," my mom answered.

"Okay, You're going to be the first one to enter and then your daughter. Miss Im?" the event organizer called Nayeon.

"Okay. Coming." Nayeon dragged her dress through the door and was followed by my mom."

"In three, Miss Jennie." The event organizer said.

I nodded.

"Lastly, the birthday celebrant!" the host announced to the whole room.

The event organizer opened the double glass door revealing me to the rest of the crowd. I made a wide smile and slowly walked my way towards the aisle to the stage. I tried to get a glimpse of everyone's faces but for some reason I just couldn't make up their faces. Maybe because I'm too nervous to be in front of this huge crowd. There are only eighty guests according to Nayeon but why does it feel like it's more than that. Finally, after a long walk, I reached the stage and got to sit on a chair covered with white fur.

I don't know how long it has been but I already feel like it's been a long night. I did dances with people I'm not familiar with. Then they finished eating and the host was finally saying a final message when the host stopped speaking out of nowhere. His mouth is open and still smiling but he's not moving. I looked around and it's the same for everyone. Nayeon is in the middle of clapping while my mom is on her way to the front to make a speech but they all paused. Everyone is not moving. The spotlight suddenly felt brighter and I had to squint my eyes.

Footsteps started to fill the room. I looked around again. No one is moving so where is that sound coming from? My eyes landed on the center of the room. A woman wearing an all black suit was walking towards me.

"Happy 18th birthday. I dressed accordingly for the party, right?" She smirked.

"Who...who are you?" I stood from my seat.

"I don't really have much time. Freezing hundreds of angels all at once is taking a lot of my energy. Let's go."

"What? No? What are you talking about?"

"Hey, I already waited this long. I've been here since seven. I should've come at ten. I thought parties started that early. Never really been in one."

"You're crazy." I started running away from her through the side of the stage but suddenly black smoke appeared in front of me, shaping into the woman's form. ""

"Miss Jennie, I don't have all day. I still need to look for that guy to bring you to him."

I tried pushing her away but she didn't flinch.

"Ugh, the heavens are going to be so mad but I need to pay rent. So...let's go." She gripped my wrist tightly with her freezing cold hand. As soon as she touched my skin, I felt all my hair all over my body standing up.

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